• vidya ayuningtyas Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • I Made Arsana Universitas Negeri Surabaya




Education is defined as a conscious and planned effort that functions so that students can actively develop their potential. However, until now there is still an outbreak of a disease known as COVID-19 in Indonesia. This has resulted in various educational institutions being forced to carry out online learning to suppress more transmission. Thus, it is very likely that the learning process will experience obstacles that have an impact on the ability of students to absorb teaching materials optimally. This study aims to determine how big the barriers to distance learning are during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This research is a quantitative descriptive study with data collection techniques in the form of a questionnaire. Data collection was carried out through a google form involving 74 students from various classes and 30 lecturers from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, UNESA. The collected data was then analyzed descriptively.

Based on the results of the study, it showed that the obstacles faced by students in participating in distance learning were in the "high" category with a percentage of 52.7%, while the obstacles experienced by lecturers were in the "moderate" category, namely 50% which was calculated based on several factors studied, namely the physical, psychological, facilities, and learning materials.

Keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic, Distance Learning, Learning Barriers


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Pendidikan Teknik Mesin
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