• Bagas Cahya Edta Putra Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Rachmad Syarifudin Hidayatullah Universitas Negeri Surabaya



The Covid-19 pandemic has caused administrative processes in all agencies to be carried out under the Work From Home (WFH) system. As a result, administrative service processes are delayed, such as making supervisor assignment letters, thesis proposal seminars, and seminar results being very slow, which is clearly very detrimental to students. Based on these problems UNESA Mechanical Engineering offers a solution in the form of the "SiMME (Mechanical Engineering Management Information System)" application. This study aims to determine the response from students and the effectiveness of using the SiMME application. This study used the observation method with the rasch model technique. The Rasch model is a quantitative data analysis technique obtained from a respondent's questionnaire. The data obtained is ordinal data designed with a Likert rating (1-5 rating scale) and converted into proportional data. . The expected results of the research can determine the response of UNESA Mechanical Engineering students to the use of the SiMME application. In addition, researchers can find out the effectiveness of using SiMME for administrative services at the UNESA Department of Mechanical Engineering using the SiMME application which is expected to provide benefits in accordance with the intended use. From the results of a comparison of the questionnaire and data from the department, it can be seen that the SiMME application speeds up the administrative process to 2 times compared to before using the SiMME application.

Keywords: SiMME Application, Rasch Model Technique, Student  Response


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