Keywords: Development, learning tools, independent curriculum


In accordance with the latest research that has proven that the successful implementation of the Independent Curriculum depends on how the teacher implements it and the types of learning tools used. Learning tools have an important role as a means of supporting the implementation of the curriculum. Learning tools in the Independent Curriculum must have several characteristics, namely being relevant to the needs of students, local conditions, supporting the development of basic competencies, flexible in their use, and paying attention to the diversity of students so that the learning objectives that have been designed can be achieved easily by students. Therefore, the development of independent curriculum learning tools is a solution to overcome existing problems with the research method used Research and Development (R&D) or research and development. The development model used is the 4D development model in which to determine the level of feasibility of the developed module. In 4D there are four stages, namely Defining(define), Planning (design), Development (develop), Spread (disseminate). The feasibility level of the Teaching Module phase F light vehicle electrical elements for the material aspect scores 85.96% which is categorized as "Very Eligible".


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