• ahmad solahuddin Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Nur Aini Susanti Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Learning Media, Jobsheet, 4D-model,response.


Utilizing interesting and easy-to-understand learning media is one way to improve the quality of learning for students. This development research was conducted to determine the process in preparing  the Jobsheet as a learning  medium, knowing the feasibility of  the Jobsheet, student responses and student learning outcomes to the Jobsheet that has been developed. The research method uses research and development  (R&D) with jobsheet development  using a 4-D model. The subjects of the study were class XI TP SMK Semen Gresik as many as 18 students. The shape of the jobsheet is made as attractive as possible and arranged proportionally for easy reading or readability.Jobsheet gets feasibility from 2 aspects of material and media. With a total score from material experts of 87.08% of the entry is Very decent and a total score from media experts of 83.61% is very decent. Student responses are divided into 4 aspects, namely material presentation, language, graphics, and expediency. A total rating of 86.49% was obtained in the very decent category. Based on the N-Gain score test  , a result of 0.5328 was obtained, which means that student learning outcomes have increased in the moderate category. The result of the study is that the learning media  for SMAW welding jobsheets is suitable for use in the learning process in the SMAW Welding Practice subject in the Welding Engineering department.


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