
  • Anita Violin Universitas Negeri Surabaya


weightlifting, Physical Condition, general preparation periodization


This study aims to determine the standardization of the physical condition of East Java PUSLATDA weightlifting athletes. This study uses a quantitative research method with a descriptive approach, and the technique used involves collecting secondary data in the form of conditional information according to the phenomenon related to the level of describing the variables studied, without conducting hypothesis testing. The subjects of this study were all weightlifting athletes at the East Java PUSLATDA, consisting of 2 female athletes and 4 male athletes. The results of this study indicate that the tests conducted by the KONI JATIM physical team during the general preparation periodization phase used 7 test items. The details are as follows: 2 male athletes were standardized in 5 test items; 1 male athlete was standardized in 2 test items; 1 female athlete was standardized in 2 test items; and the remaining male and female athletes were only standardized in 1 test item each. It can be concluded that overall, the PUSLATDA JATIM weightlifters are in moderate condition, and the standards required to achieve performance goals have not yet been met. Based on the tested results, it is hoped that this study will serve as an evaluation material for the implementation of training according to biomotor periodization.


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