Jenis Dan Wujud Pesan Moral Pada Tokoh Utama(おしん)Oshin Dalam Novel『おしん』Oshin Bagian 6-8 Karya Hashida Sugako(橋田壽賀子)



The moral of the literature obtained through literature the reader is always in a good sense. Because the moral contained in the literature generally reflects the views of the author of life, his views on the values of truth that is to be conveyed to the reader. Oshin Novel is a novel written by Hashida Sugako. This novel take on aspects of Japanese society after setting state before and after World War II. This study looks at Oshin Moral section 6-8 of the novel Oshin Sugako Hashida work through problem formulation: What type and form of moral message conveyed by the author of the novel Oshin section 6-8 Sugako Hashida work? With the aim of obtaining a description of the type and form of moral teachings contained in the novel Oshin Oshin section 6-8 Sugako Hashida work. The data of this study totaled 15 data. This study uses a descriptive analysis of the study, the analysis methods used to analyze data sources and methods used to analyze descriptive data analysis. The results of this study show that the novel part 6-8 Oshin Sugako Hashida work contained some moral teachings. Among them are teaching in the life Oshin himself covering, confidence, despair, hate, loneliness. Furthermore, the human moral teachings such as the relationship of husband and wife, the parents' relationship with their children, and the love of a husband or wife, children, parents, neighbors and country.
Keyword : morality of message

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