LANGUAGE HORIZON <p><em>Language Horizon: Journal of Language Studies</em> is an online journal published by English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Surabaya&nbsp;</p> en-US (Slamet Setiawan) (Lisetyo Ariyanti) Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:28:28 +0000 OJS 60 U Using Fairclough framework to analyze the novel of ‘’ Journeys of hearts and arrows’’ by Yassin Kani <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Artikel ini menggunakan kerangka analisis wacana kritis Norman Fairclough untuk membedah manifestasi Islamofobia dalam novel Yassin Kani, "The Travels of Hearts and Arrows," dengan latar belakang Spanyol kontemporer. Melalui pemeriksaan mendalam terhadap teks, praktik wacana, dan kerangka masyarakat, penelitian ini mengungkap lapisan sentimen anti-Islam yang lazim di masyarakat Spanyol. Analisis tersebut mengungkap bagaimana struktur linguistik dalam novel melanggengkan stereotip negatif, mencerminkan dan membentuk bias masyarakat.</p> <p>Selain itu, penggunaan bahasa Arab secara strategis oleh penulis dalam teks tersebut menunjukkan adanya upaya yang disengaja untuk menyampaikan narasi tersebut kepada pembaca Arab, menyoroti praktik diskursif yang bertujuan untuk membentuk kembali opini publik di luar pembaca langsung di Spanyol. Berdasarkan situasi teori Fairclough, kelembagaan, dan analisis tingkatan sosial, penelitian ini menelusuri akar sejarah Islamofobia di Spanyol, dan menyoroti peran institusi media dalam melanggengkan stereotip negatif.</p> <p>Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada pemahaman Islamofobia di Spanyol dan menggarisbawahi penerapan analisis wacana kritis yang lebih luas dalam mengungkap isu-isu sosial secara kompleks yang tertanam dalam bahasa. Temuan ini memiliki implikasi dalam menumbuhkan toleransi dan menghilangkan stereotip di masyarakat yang beragam.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Islamofobia, Analisis Wacana Kritis, Kerangka Fairclough, Masyarakat Spanyol, Pengaruh Media.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>This article employs Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis framework to dissect the manifestation of Islamophobia in Yassin Kani's novel, "The Travels of Hearts and Arrows," set against the backdrop of contemporary Spain. Through an in-depth examination of text, discourse practices, and societal frameworks, the study unravels the nuanced layers of anti-Islamic sentiments prevalent in Spanish society. The analysis reveals how linguistic structures in the novel perpetuate negative stereotypes, reflecting and shaping societal biases.</p> <p>Furthermore, the author's strategic use of Arabic in the text suggests a deliberate attempt to convey the narrative to Arab readers, highlighting a discursive practice aimed at reshaping public opinion beyond the immediate Spanish readership. Drawing on Fairclough's situational, institutional, and social levels of analysis, the study traces the historical roots of Islamophobia in Spain, emphasizing the role of media institutions in perpetuating negative stereotypes.</p> <p>This research contributes to the understanding of Islamophobia within Spain and underscores the broader applicability of critical discourse analysis in unraveling complex societal issues embedded in language. The findings hold implications for fostering tolerance and dismantling stereotypes in diverse societies.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong>: Islamophobia, Critical Discourse Analysis, Fairclough Framework, Spanish Society, Media Influence.</p> Aymen Mouhine ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PERSPECTIVE ON THE DEVELOPMENT L3 BY USING HUMOR INSTAGRAM VIDEOS <p>The acquisition of languages has many ways to be approached, but in this study, the author is curious about how the acquisition of L3 (or third language acquisition) can be affected through humor that originally did not come from his or her native language/mother tongue.&nbsp;A previous study has been done by (Vaid &amp; Lopez, 2017) in order to shed a light on how psycholinguistic approaches to humor and how humans comprehend humor.&nbsp;The journal concluded with the belief that if the researchers examine the interaction of humor content, the social and linguistic context in which humor is exchanged will lead to rich theoretical insights as well as provide a unique perspective on less-studied aspects of humor.&nbsp;&nbsp;This research mainly had English L3 learners as primary data collection and the analysis for this research was based on the responses from the participants that had already seen the humor videos presented to them, an insight of how they could understand the joke and their takes on the videos. This research features interpretivism in order to understand English L3 learners,&nbsp;empathy in crucial for inquiring the subjects’ point of view, and to an extent, interpreting the interaction between the subject and the object of the research itself. This research conclude that structured perception is the perception used to deconstruct humor Instagram videos which consists of form structure, second is situational structure, and the third is the intension structure.&nbsp; As for how L3 learners comprehend humor Instagram videos, there are four kinds of language comprehension that were present in understanding the presented videos, which are spoken word recognition, printed word recognition, mental lexicon, and comprehension of sentences and discourse. Researcher postulates that by looking at humor Instagram videos, L3 learners are able to improve their English because comprehending relevant videos would require a general cognitive ability to be able to make an inference of certain videos in different languages, L3 learners does this in regular basis as a part of their daily lives; therefore, increasing the likelihood of developing a better English.</p> Fabio Bernarivo Wiyogo ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 16 Mar 2024 02:27:18 +0000 RECONSIDERING LINGUISTIC LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS: A REVIEW <p>The study of linguistic landscapes has garnered significant attention in recent years as a means of understanding the sociolinguistic dynamics within a given space. This article presents a critical evaluation of the methodologies and frameworks employed in analyzing linguistic landscapes. By exploring and reviewing existing approaches, the article aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse in the field, offering insights that challenge prevailing notions and propose alternative perspectives.</p> Nyak Mutia Ismail, Sepri Kurniadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 31 Jan 2024 01:47:31 +0000 THE USE OF TABOO WORDS IN NICKI MINAJ'S SONG LYRICS "ALBUM QUEEN"; SOCIOLINGUISTICS APPROACH <p>The use of taboo words in song lyrics is one of the phenomena that occur in society. However, in this era, taboo words have become commonplace. It not only exists in song lyrics, but also in films, in daily conversation, and so on. This research tries to analyze the types and functions of taboo words in song lyrics from a sociolinguistic perspective. The theories of Jay (2009) and Wardhaugh (2006) will be used in this research. The analysis is carried out using three song lyrics on Nicki Minaj's Queen album, and will obtain seven types and four functions of taboo words in the song lyrics. The research results showed seven types of taboo words, namely: cursing, profanity, obscenity, sexual harassment, vulgar language, name-calling, and insult. Each type has a different function depending on the context. Of the four functions mentioned, there are only three functions, namely: draw attention, show contempt, and be provocative. From the data analysis that has been carried out, the types and functions of taboo that often appear are vulgar language and show contempt.</p> Saabitah Febriyanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 20 Feb 2024 08:35:54 +0000 An FEAR THROUGH CORONAVIRUS MEMES (An analysis of meaning) <p>This research aims to reveal evidence on the facts of social conditions that occur due to the coronavirus pandemic, particularly emotions of fear. This study uses a social semiotics approach. The formulation of the problem discussed is (1) What are the forms of fear in coronavirus memes, and (2) How do the coronavirus memes depict fear on the Memes app. This research uses Kress &amp; Leeuwen's three metafunction theory and systemic functional linguistics (SFL). This research uses a qualitative descriptive method using a case study approach and is equipped with a description of the data and information obtained. The author uses books and scientific journals, the data source is downloaded from Memes Apps, and the final stage concludes the results of the analysis. Based on the results of this research, ideational, textual and interpersonal processes were found. Visual and verbal modes can make it easier for readers to capture the representation conveyed by the creator of the coronavirus meme.</p> Imta Damanis ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sat, 16 Mar 2024 03:59:30 +0000