The Effectiveness of Various Types of Orange (Citrus Sp.) to the Reduction of Pb (Lead) and Cd (Cadmium) Heavy Metals Concentration on White Shrimp (Panaeus Marguiensis)

  • TEGGUH Sastra SASTRA SETIAWAN Jurusan Biologi Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: the white shrimp, lime, orange lemon, concentration, heavy metals, Pb (Lead), Cd (Cadmium)


The results of research Wahyudi (2010) which states that the white shrimp are found in Gesek coastal Sedati-Sidoarjo that polluted heavy metal of Pb at 0.75 mg / kg and Cd of 0.18 mg / kg. Hence, the white shrimp is not safe to be consumed people. The aim of this study was to reduce of concentrations of Pb (Lead) and Cd (Cadmium) heavy metals on the white shrimp with various type of orange. The Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with two variables was used in this study, ie the types of orange (Citrus sp.) and the concentrations variable (50% and 100%). The results obtained from this research that the final of concentrations of Pb (Lead) and Cd (Cadmium) heavy metals on white shrimp after immersion lime and lemon with different concentrations (50% and 100%). ICP-OES (inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrophometer) was used to determine the concentrations of heavy metals on the body of the white shrimp and the experiment was conducted at the laboratory of  the Energy and Engineering study ITS. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance two-way (ANAVA). The results of this research showed that there was no difference on the types of both oranges and the concentrations of orange (100% and 50%) to  reduction of the concentrations of heavy metals on the body of the white shrimp (Panaeus marguensis).
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