• Daffania Adhe Kirana Paramesti Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Anas Ahmadi Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Abstrak Penelitian ini mengkaji bentuk kata makian berdasarkan referensinya, fungsi kata makian dan motif penggunaan kata makian yang digunakan oleh tokoh dalam komik Tales Of Demons And Gods《妖神记》 karya Mad Snail chapter 1-100. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan jenis kata makian berdasarkan referensi yang berlandaskan pada teori Wijana dan Rohmadi (2010: 119). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik simak bebas libat cakap. Sumber data penelitian ini komik Tales Of Demons And Gods《妖神记》karya Mad Snail chapter 1-100. Data penelitian ini berupa tuturan kata makian yang digunakan oleh tokoh dalam komik Tales Of Demons And Gods《妖神 记》karya Mad Snail chapter 1-100. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan data penelitian sebanyak 44 tuturan yang mengandung makian. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa bentuk makian berdasarkan referensinya terdiri atas keadaan, binatang, makhluk halus, benda, kekerabatan, aktivitas, dan profesi. Kata makian berupa makhluk halus memiliki data terbanyak yaitu 11 data. Bentuk makian berupa keadaan sebanyak 10 data, berupa binatang sebanyak 2 data, 9 data berupa benda, 1 data berupa kekerabatan, 3 data berupa aktivitas, dan 8 data berupa profesi. Kata Kunci: komik, kata makian, referensi makian Abstract This study examines the forms of swear words based on their references, the function of swear words and the motives for using swear words used by characters in the comic Tales Of Demons And Gods《妖神记》 by Mad Snail chapter 1-100. The purpose of this study is to describe the types of swear words based on references based on the theory of Wijana and Rohmadi (2010: 119). This study uses a qualitative descriptive analysis method with a speaking technique free of engagement. The source of the research data is the comic Tales Of Demons And Gods《妖神记》by Mad Snail chapter 1-100. The research data is in the form of swear words used by characters in the comic Tales Of Demons And Gods《妖神记》by Mad Snail chapter 1-100. The results of the research show that there are 44 utterances containing swearing in the research data. The findings show that the forms of swearing based on the references consist of circumstances, animals, spirits, objects, kinship, activities, and professions. Spirits have the most data, namely 11 data. There are 10 data in the form of circumstances, 2 forms of swearing in the form of animals, 9 data in the form of objects, 1 data in the form of kinship, 3 data in the form of activities, and 8 data in the form of professions. Keywords: comics, swear words, swear references
How to Cite
Paramesti, D., & Ahmadi, A. (2023). MAKIAN DALAM KOMIK TALES OF DEMONS AND GODS《妖神记》KARYA MAD SNAIL CHAPTER 1-100. Jurnal Bahasa Mandarin, 6(1), 27 - 34. Retrieved from
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