Deiksis Persona dalam Channel Youtube WayV Segmen WayV-ariety (WayV’s Glamping Full of Struggles 《露营治愈 中》 Lùyíng Zhìyù Zhōng) Episode 1-3

  • Nora Hita Liliyen Andrean Susman Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Subandi Subandi Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Abstrak Proses tindak tutur tidak dapat dipisahkan dari konteks maupun situasi dan kondisi yang mengikutinya. Berbagai macam bentuk konteks yang melatar belakangi suatu tuturan menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab terjadinya kemunculan variasi deiksis berserta pemaknaannya. Sehingga deiksis memiliki peran untuk memperjelas setiap makna tersirat dalam sebuah tuturan yang terikat oleh konteks. Namun, deiksis memiliki acuan tidak tetap dan dapat berubah sesuai dengan konteks maupun situasi dan kondisi. Peristiwa tutur tidak hanya terjadi dalam kehidupan nyata tetapi juga dapat terjadi melalui media massa salah satunya yaitu YouTube. Salah satu channel YouTube yang mengandung banyak bentuk deiksis adalah channel YouTube WayV Segmen WayV-ariety (WayV’s Glamping Full of Struggles 《露营治愈中》 Lùyíng Zhìyù Zhōng) Episode 1-3. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis dan fungsi deiksis persona pada channel YouTube WayV Segmen WayV-ariety (WayV’s Glamping Full of Struggles 《露营治愈中》 Lùyíng Zhìyù Zhōng) Episode 1-3. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan data penelitian berupa kalimat tuturan yang mengandung deiksis persona dalam channel YouTube WayV Segmen WayV-ariety (WayV’s Glamping Full of Struggles 《露营治愈中》 Lùyíng Zhìyù Zhōng) Episode 1-3. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan teknik simak bebas libat cakap, dan teknik catat serta dianalisis dengan teknik analisis isi. Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh hasil penelitian yaitu jenis deiksis persona dengan klasifikasi enam bentuk kategori yakni deiksis persona pertama tunggal, deiksis persona pertama jamak, deiksis persona kedua tunggal, deiksis persona kedua jamak, deiksis persona ketiga tunggal, dan deiksis persona ketiga jamak. Fungsi deiksis yang terdapat dalam penelitian ini adalah fungsi deiksis persona yang merujuk pada seseorang yang dituturkan oleh penutur baik seperti diri penutur sendiri, lawan tutur ataupun diluar penutur dan lawan tutur baik secara tunggal maupun jamak. Kata Kunci: Deiksis, Deiksis Persona, YouTube, WayV Abstract The speech act process cannot be separated from the context or situation and conditions that follow it. Various forms of context that form the background of an utterance are one of the factors causing the emergence of deixis variations along with their meanings. So that deixis has a role to clarify every implied meaning in a speech that is bound by context. However, deixis has a reference that is not fixed and can change according to the context and situations and conditions. Speech events do not only occur in real life but can also occur through mass media, one of which is YouTube. One of the YouTube channels that contains many forms of deixis is the YouTube channel WayV Segment WayV-ariety (WayV's Glamping Full of Struggles 《露营治愈中》 Lùyíng Zhìyù Zhōng) Episodes 1-3. This study aims to describe the types and functions of persona deixis on the YouTube channel WayV Segment WayV-ariety (WayV's Glamping Full of Struggles 《露营治愈中》 Lùyíng Zhìyù Zhōng) Episodes 1-3. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with research data in the form of utterance sentences containing persona deixis in the YouTube channel WayV Segment WayV-ariety (WayV's Glamping Full of Struggles 《露营治愈中》 Lùyíng Zhìyù Zhōng) Episodes 1-3. The data of this research were collected by means of free-of-concern listening techniques, and note-taking techniques and analyzed by content analysis techniques. Based on the data analysis, the research results obtained are the type of persona deixis with a classification of six categories, namely first singular person deixis, first person plural deixis, second person singular deixis, second person plural deixis, third person deixis singular, and third person plural deixis. The deixis function contained in this study is the persona deixis function which refers to someone who is spoken research is a qualitative descriptive study with research data in the form of utterance sentences containing persona deixis in the YouTube channel WayV Segment WayV-ariety (WayV's Glamping Full of Struggles 《露营治愈中》 Lùyíng Zhìyù Zhōng) Episodes 1-3. The data of this research were collected by means of free-of-concern listening techniques, and note-taking techniques and analyzed by content analysis techniques. Based on the data analysis, the research results obtained are the type of persona deixis with a classification of six categories, namely first singular person deixis, first person plural deixis, second person singular deixis, second person plural deixis, third person deixis singular, and third person plural deixis. The deixis function contained in this study is the persona deixis function which refers to someone who is spoken research is a qualitative descriptive study with research data in the form of utterance sentences containing persona deixis in the YouTube channel WayV Segment WayV-ariety (WayV's Glamping Full of Struggles 《露营治愈中》 Lùyíng Zhìyù Zhōng) Episodes 1-3. The data of this research were collected by means of free-of-concern listening techniques, and note-taking techniques and analyzed by content analysis techniques. Based on the data analysis, the research results obtained are the type of persona deixis with a classification of six categories, namely first singular person deixis, first person plural deixis, second person singular deixis, second person plural deixis, third person deixis singular, and third person plural deixis. The deixis function contained in this study is the persona deixis function which refers to someone who is spoken by the speaker either as the speaker himself, the interlocutor or outside the speaker and interlocutor either singly or in the plural. Keywords: Deixis, Persona Deixis, YouTube, WayV
How to Cite
Susman, N., & Subandi, S. (2023). Deiksis Persona dalam Channel Youtube WayV Segmen WayV-ariety (WayV’s Glamping Full of Struggles 《露营治愈 中》 Lùyíng Zhìyù Zhōng) Episode 1-3. Jurnal Bahasa Mandarin, 6(1), 246-258. Retrieved from
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