• Valda Pramudita Erviani UNESA


One of the villages in Sidoarjo Regency, namely Bendotretek Village, is considered by many local people to be that the village's development is still lagging behind compared to the surrounding villages and village officials (individuals) are considered not optimal in disseminating village regulations so that many people who do not know about local village regulations. According to Permendagri 111 of 2014 concerning Technical Guidelines for Village Regulations, article 26 which states "Joint Village Head Regulations are disseminated to the community of each Village." which means that the village community should know and apply village regulations that have been approved and permitted. This makes the author interested in researching the level of legal awareness of the village community regarding the formation of village regulations, so that the author knows the level of awareness of the community regarding the formation of village regulations, because village regulations have an important function in the community itself, namely as a means of ensuring justice for the community. village. . This type of research is an empirical legal research method or empirical juridical research method, which is a form of sociological legal study and can also be called a subject study, which specifically examines current legal provisions and what the facts are in society. Based on research results, the level of awareness of the Bendotretek Village community is classified as low at 27.5% because many village residents are not aware of the village regulations. Based on the conclusions drawn by the author, respondents who have legal awareness of Bendotretek village regulations are village officials and stakeholders. Meanwhile, those who do not understand village regulations are ordinary people who have no work relationship with the village and people who are indifferent to village regulations. Efforts used to increase the legal awareness of the Bendotretek village community are by increasing the dissemination of village regulations to the community and encouraging stakeholders not to forget to convey them to their community members.

Keywords: Awareness, Community, Village Regulations

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