PENDIDIKAN VOKASI:TEORI DAN PRAKTIK 2015-02-02T17:20:40+00:00 Open Journal Systems Jurnal Online Program Studi S-2 Pendidikan Teknologi Dan Kejuruan - Pasca Sarjana UNESA PENGEMBANGAN MODUL MEMELIHARA TRANSMISI BERBASIS PBL UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN ANALISIS SISWA KELAS X PROKLI TKR SMKN 2 TARAKAN 2015-02-02T16:53:50+00:00 Novita Carolina <p class="abstrak">The research aims to develop a manual transmission module integrated with a problem based learning  models to enhanching  students analytical skills . This research in addition to describe the properness module also describes the properness instructional devices, properness student analytical skills instruments, instructional implemented, student activities, student achievements and student response. Module development adopt a four - D models Thiagarajan instructional development then implemented using a randomized pretest - posttest control group design and using descriptive statistical analysis. Module, instructional devices and instruments of  student analytical skills developed through logical validity of experts assessment has an average score as follows : 1) the validity of the maintain transmission  module has an average score of 3.6 with a very good category, 2) the validity of the instructional devices that include syllabi, lesson plans, worksheets and assesment paper have an average score of 3.6 with a very good category, 3) the validity of the student analytical skills instruments has an avarage score of 3.7 with a very good category. While results of data analysis of the instructional implemented, student activities, student achievement and students response obtained through empirical tests, as follows: 1) the properness instructional had an average score of 3.6 with a very good category,  2) the dominant student activities in the learning process is a discussion/question and answer between students and teachers or fellow students had an average score of 3.96 with a very active category, 3) student achievement after following teaching and learning activities using a module based on PBL models increased by 69.6%, 4) students response to teaching is generally considered good scientific work and will be new parts for students. Based on the results of the data analysis above, can be concluded that learning by using maintaining transmission module with PBL models can improve students analytical skills, increases the activity of the students in learning activities and completed the students achievement.</p> 2014-08-31T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGEMBANGAN PERANGKAT PEMBELAJARAN STRATEGI BELAJAR MIND MAPPING PADA MODEL PENGAJARAN LANGSUNG STANDAR KOMPETENSI PENATAAN RAMBUT (STYLING) DI SMK 2015-02-02T16:56:56+00:00 Luthfiyah Nurlaela <p>Tujuan penelitian pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran strategi belajar <em>mind mapping </em>pada model pengajaran langsung standar kompetensi penataan rambut<em> (styling) </em>di SMK adalah mendeskripsikan, (1) kualitas perangkat pembelajaran pada standar kompetensi penataan rambut, (2) kemampuan siswa <em>mind mapping, </em>(3) hasil belajar pengetahuan, (4) hasil belajar keterampilan penataan rambut.</p> <p>Penelitian ini mengacu pada R&amp;D model, melalui 4 tahap, yaitu (1) tahap studi pendahuluan, (2) tahap desain produk, (3) tahap validasi dan revisi, (4) tahap uji empiris hingga didapatkan produk akhir yang berupa perangkat pembelajaran strategi belajar <em>mind mapping </em>pada model pengajaran langsung standar kompetensi penataan rambut yang berkualitas. Teknik pengumpulan data pada tahap studi pendahuluan: (1) <em>front end analysis</em>: observasi, (2) <em>learner analysis</em>: wawancara, (3) <em>specifying instructional objectives</em>: kerja mandiri<em>, </em>tahap desain produk: (1) desain instrumen: kerja mandiri, (2) desain perangkat: kerja mandiri, tahap validasi dan revisi: (1) validasi instrumen: penilaian ahli, (2) revisi instrumen: kerja mandiri, (3) validasi perangkat: penilaian ahli, (4) revisi perangkat: kerja mandiri, tahap uji empiris: (1) uji empiris: <em>pretest-posttest design, </em>(2) analisis hasil uji empiris: analisis statistik. Teknik analisis data pada tahap studi pendahuluan: analisis deskriptif, (2) tahap desain produk: analisis deskriptif, (3) tahap validasi dan revisi: analisis deskriptif, tahap uji empiris: analisis statistika one sample t-test. Tahap uji empiris perangkat pembelajaran dilakukan pada 27 siswa kelas XIKR I SMK Negeri 2 Boyolangu Tulungagung. Rancangan dalam uji empiris perangkat pembelajaran menggunakan <em>one-group pretest-posttest design.</em></p> <p>Temuan hasil penelitian yaitu (1) kualitas perangkat pembelajaran berkategori baik dengan nilai rata-rata dari kedua penilai 3.09, keterlaksanaan perangkat berkategori baik dengan nilai rata-rata dari kedua observer 3.93, (2) hasil analisis data statistika non parametrik (uji binomial) kemampuan siswa membuat <em>mind mapping </em>diperoleh kesimpulan rata-rata nilai kemampuan siswa membuat <em>mind mapping </em>lebih tinggi daripada nilai KKM (3) hasil analisis data statistika uji binomial hasil belajar pengetahuan diperoleh kesimpulan rata-rata nilai pengetahuan siswa lebih tinggi daripada nilai KKM, (4) hasil analisis data statistika non parametrik (uji binomial) keterampilan penataan rambut diperoleh kesimpulan rata-rata nilai keterampilan penataan rambut siswa lebih tinggi daripada nilai KKM.</p> <p> </p> <p>Kata kunci: <em>strategi belajar mind mapping, hasil belajar pengetahuan, hasil belajar keterampilan penataan</em></p> 2014-08-31T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN DAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR DESAIN WEB DI SMK NEGERI 1 SURABAYA 2015-02-02T16:59:54+00:00 Sri Retna Pratiwi <div class="Section1"><p>Web design lessons is one of the competencies to be mastered in learning of Network and Computer Technique. In the world of education in Indonesia, especially SMK expertise and information technology, web design is a subject that must be mastered. This research has purposes: (1) to know the differences about the result of study between students who are taught by using video tutorial media and student who are taught by using PowerPoint media, (2) to know the differences about the result of study between student who has higher motivation and student who has lower motivation, and (3) to know the interactions between the use of learning media and motivation on the student, and how those things can give influence on the result of study.The research design used in this study is the design of a 2×2 factorial study that compared the two groups, which consisted of learning to use the medium of video tutorials and media PowerPoint with distinguish student’s motivation is high or low. For processing the data using Two Ways Anova with SPSS. from the results of hypothesis testing with Anova techniques the first hypothesis was obtained F<sub>calculate</sub> = 5,552. In the second hypothesis was obtained F<sub>calculate</sub> = 53,042. And third hypothesis was obtained F<sub>calculate</sub><sub> </sub>= 49, 97. The research concludes: (1) the use of video media tutorial shown an affect student learning outcomes better than the use of PowerPoint media, (2) students who have high motivation to learn it have better learning outcomes than low-motivated students, and (3) interaction of media use video tutorials to students who have high motivation to learn gave good results compared to the interaction of media use PowerPoint with other motivational factors. The research advises: (1) video tutorial is very appropriate medium used to improve student learning outcomes compared student taught with PowerPoint media, (2) video media tutorials will obtain the best results when applied to the students who have high motivation to learn, and (3) to students who have low motivation If teached by video tutorial media will increase their learn motivation.</p> <p> </p> <p class="abstrak"><strong>Keywords:</strong> Learning Media, Motivation to Study, the Result of Study</p></div> <br /> 2014-08-31T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN LANGSUNG DAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS MASALAH TERHADAP PENCAPAIAN KOMPETENSI MATA PELAJARAN INSTALASI SISTEM OPERASI DASAR DENGAN MENERAPKAN STRATEGI BELAJAR ELABORASI PQ4R DI SMKN 1 SURABAYA 2015-02-02T17:02:55+00:00 Yektiono Yektiono <p>The research is: (1).The competency for Students less than 75 %, (2). the lesson to the teacher centre  on that model of learning (3) not yet  teaching with learning strategy to appropriate.This research was to analyze the influence of learning setrategi Use Elaboration PQ4R, Models Direct instructional and the Problem-Based Learning Model (1) Capacity Analysis learners and (2) Skills learners in subjects Base Operating System Installation. This research uses a quasi-experimental with population in this study was the students of class X - TKJ SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya , the sample will be selected using a random selection of the class will be chosen as the experimental class and the class as a class kontrol.Teknik observation, instruments used , namely observation sheet , observation guides , and assessment guide ( in the form of an assessment rubric ) . As for the data collection techniques in the form of a test , a test item . About the test used is a multiple choice questions with five answer choices , and one of them is the answer benar.Teknik Test items include Data Analysis Instruments , Test prasarat Annalisis ( Test of Homogeneity and Normality Test ) also Hypothesis Testing Statistics . The results of this study are differences pencapian competence of learners in analysis capabilities and skills of students in the subjects basic operating system installation due to the Direct Instruction of   and problem -based learning model with the application of learning strategies elaboration PQ4R at SMK 1 Surabaya , obtained results of hypothesis testing in the form of t value and significance when compared with the number of t table. To test the ability of electric circuit analysis obtained t value of 7,605 with sig. 0.000. While   skills acquired to test t value 73,986 with sig. 0.000.Result using of Problem Based Learning  assisted by elaboration PQ4R learning strategy can improve the Ability of Analysing and Installation Skill for Basic Operating System in SMKN 1 Surabaya very significantly.Are Recommanded; (1) to implement models of learning and problem based learning (2) to applicate of learning strategies elaboration PQ4R at SMK</p> <p class="abstrak"><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>MPBM, MPL, Elaborasi PQ4R</em></p> 2014-08-31T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGEMBANGAN PERANGKAT PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF JIGSAW UNTUK MENGAJARKAN MATERI EFEK VIDEO PADA KOMPETENSI DASAR MELAKSANAKAN EDITING KELAS X SMK NEGERI 1 SURABAYA 2015-02-02T17:05:39+00:00 Purwanto Eko Saputro <p>This research has purpose to develop the Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Equipment that can be used to teach the students about Video Effects and Video Editing Learning on the basic competence in SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya. And also to describe how this method can give influence to the result of study after it has been applied in the classroom.</p> <p>This research is managed and put into two stages. The first thing is about preparation that has function to develop the learning equipment through 4-D model planning from Thiagarajan, Semmel, D.S, dan Semmel, M.I. (1974) and be continued with implementation step which is a teaching activity in the classroom by using <em>The One Group Pretest-Posttest Plan Design. </em>And the results of this research are shown below: The validation score of  learning implementation program is 3,8; the validation score of specialist material sheet is 3,70; the validation score of student activity sheet is 3,70; and the validation score of  study result test is 3,65; and for the most prominent of student activity is Video editing that has capacity about 23,33%; The score of students’ activity is 97,2; the score of characteristic students behavior for the first companionship has average score 76,25, and for the second meeting has average score 89,58, and for the third meeting has average score 92,93; the score of students’ social creativity in the first meeting has percentage average score 76,04%. In the second meeting has score 90, 63 % and for the third meeting it has percentage score 93,13 %; the question number sensitivity is 1; and  percentage score for student response on this learning method that says ‘Happy’ is 99,05%, and those who says “Interested” has score 98,89%, and the percentage of those who says that they have interest to join next activity are perfectly 100% ; and finally, the learning program that has been implemented has average score 3,63 , which is considered in good category.</p> <p>Based on the result of data analysis, it has conclusion that The Development of  Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Equipment for teaching Video Effect and Video Editing on the basic competence in SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya is really effective to improve the students material learning.</p> <p> </p> <p>Key Word: <em>The Development of  Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Equipment .</em></p> <p class="abstrak"> </p> 2014-08-31T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR MATA PELAJARAN MEMELIHARA TRANSMISI DENGAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN LANGSUNG MELALUI PENERAPAN PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER PADA SMK NEGERI SURABAYA 2015-02-02T17:08:19+00:00 Prasetyo Dono Saputro <p class="abstrak">This research aims to:1).Find the difference of student’s study result (affective, cognitive and psychomotor) who are taught by using direct instruction on the character education and those who are taught without character based education; 2). Find the difference of student’s learning motivation between those who are taught by using direct instruction on the character education and those who are taught without character based education.This sample of this research are student of  2<sup>nd</sup> grade TKR at SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya and SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya. There are 25 students.</p> <p class="abstrak">This research method used is Quasi Experimental Design by using Nonequivalent Control Group Design. This research is compared two classes. There are controlled and experimental class. The control class is the class which is taught by using direct instruction without character based education, while experimental class is the class which is taught by using direct instruction and character based education. The data of the student’s study result and learning motivation which are analyzed as follows: 1). Cognitive: Student’s cognitive study result is collected through the range between pretest score and post test score, 2). Psychomotor : Psychomotor study result is taken from the LP3 Score (Psychomotor), 3).Affective : Affective study result is taken from the average of  LP4 Score(Affective), 4). Student learning motivation: Student learning motivation is taken from questionnaire related to student’s learning motivation.</p> <p class="abstrak">The research data is related to the hypothesis test by using T test (α = 0,05) are as follows: 1). Student’s study result at 2<sup>nd</sup> grade TKR of SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya are: a). Affective by using hypothesis test gets t <sub>count</sub> = 2.138 , t <sub>count</sub> &gt; t <sub>table</sub> (2.138 &gt; 1.679), therefore H<sub>1</sub> is accepted; b). Cognitive by using hypothesis test gets t <sub>count</sub> = 1.517, t <sub>count</sub> ≤ t <sub>table</sub> (1.517 ≤ 1.679), therefore H<sub>1</sub> is<sub> </sub>rejected; c). Psychomotor by using hypothesis test gets t <sub>count</sub> = 2.127  , t <sub>count</sub> &gt; t <sub>table</sub> (2.127 &gt; 1.679), therefore H<sub>1</sub> is accepted; d). Learning motivation by using hypothesis test gets t <sub>count</sub> = 1.767, t <sub>count</sub> &gt;  t <sub>table</sub> (1.767 &gt; 1.679), therefore H<sub>1</sub> is accepted. 2). Student’s study result at 2<sup>nd</sup> grade TKR of SMK Negeri 5 Surabaya are as follows: a). Affective by using hypothesis test gets t <sub>count</sub> = 2.288, t <sub>count</sub> &gt; t <sub>table</sub> (2.288  &gt; 1.679), therefore H<sub>1</sub> is accepted; b). Cognitive by using hypothesis test gets t <sub>count</sub> = 1.564, t <sub>count</sub> ≤ t <sub>table</sub> (1.564 ≤ 1.679), therefore H<sub>1</sub> is<sub> </sub>rejected; c). Psychomotor by using hypothesis test gets t <sub>count</sub> =  2.252, t <sub>count</sub> &gt; t <sub>table</sub> (2.252 &gt; 1.679), therefore H<sub>1</sub> is accepted; d). Learning motivation by using hypothesis test gets t <sub>count</sub> = 2.005, t <sub>count</sub> &gt;  t <sub>table</sub> (2.005 &gt; 1.679), therefore H<sub>1</sub> is accepted.</p> <p class="abstrak">Based on the data analysis above, it can be concluded that: 1). Student’s study result (affective,psychomotor) at the direct instruction by using character based education is better than without using character based education. However, student’s study result (cognitive) in the direct instruction by using character based education is not better than without using character based education. 2). Student’s learning motivation in the direct instruction by using character based education is better than without using character based education.</p> <strong>Keywords: </strong>improving study result, direct instruction , character based education 2014-08-31T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## KINERJA LULUSAN SMK KOMPETENSI KEAHLIAN TEKNIK KENDARAAN RINGAN DI INDUSTRI OTOMOTIF SURABAYA 2015-02-02T17:11:03+00:00 Heru Arizal <p class="abstrak">The purpose of this study is to find out the performance of graduates of Vocational High School competency expertise in engineering light vehicle that has been worked  in the automotive industry, also analyzed the relationship of school accreditation, UKK value and duration of working with performance. The research was held in April 2014 in Surabaya City with the sample in the automotive industry sole agent were 43 graduates of non automotive industry sole agent as much as 59 graduates and use descriptive research as well as quantitative tracer studies. The process of data retrieval  using a questionnaire which has been validated by an experts and scholars have conducted trials to determine the reliability of the instrument and the data were analyzed using multiple regression analyses with normal qualify, linearity, multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity. The results showed satisfactory the performance of vocational graduates. Based on the industry's in graduate work at the automotive industry sole agent better than non automotive industry sole agent. Accreditation of schools does not have a relationship with the performance, because the company accreditation is only use during the initial selection or administration, where the origin graduates accounted for only 10% of a person's success and 90% coming from the rest the quality of individual. UKK score and duration of  work has a significant relationship with performance and Vocational High School graduates, as well as all independent variables together research related to performance. UKK score associated with the performance and capabilities due to an embodiment of the base that is owned by someone, if  its basic capabilities is the ability to both receive and manage information / knowledge would also be good. The duration of work is more dominant due to factors related to the performance of repetitive activities so without realizing that they have received a learning process and settle in their mindset.</p> <strong>Keywords:</strong> Performance, Accreditation, UKK, the Old Works. 2014-08-31T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA E-BOOK INTERAKTIF UNTUK MATA PELAJARAN TEKNIK MIKROPROSESOR DI SMK NEGERI SURABAYA 2015-02-02T17:14:59+00:00 Nurulita Imansari I.G.P Asto Buditjahjanto <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>The research aimed : 1) to create a valid interactive e-book as learning media for Microprocessor Technique at SMKN Surabaya, 2) to find the difference of student learning result between students who are taught by interactive e-book and students who are taught by PowerPoint, 3) to know the student’s responses on the use of interactive e-book as a learning media.</p> <p>The research method used 4-D model. The research was conducted under quasi experimental design with intact group comparison which was comparing two groups. The design of the experiment class used an interactive e-book but the control class used a power point media. Both groups were given posttest.</p> <p>The results found that the average of the data was 79,2% so it is categorized as valid, the posttest exercise categorized as valid and has average 76,5%. The student learning results in experiment class has average value 82,15 but the control class has average value 77,15. The student learning results from experiment class and control class were compared using a t-test. From the student learning result we got t <sub>count</sub> is 3,824 and the t <sub>test</sub> is 1,658. Its means that t <sub>count</sub>&gt;t <sub>test</sub> so the student learning result using interactive e-book was better than using PowerPoint media. The student’s responses toward interactive e-book categorized was very good and valid to be used in learning process.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong> : Interactive E-Book, Student Learning Result</p> 2014-08-31T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## INOVASI PERANGKAT PEMBELAJARAN SISTEM KELISTRIKAN OTOMOTIF UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA 2015-02-02T17:20:40+00:00 Wachid Yahya <p>This research aimed to develope of device learning in automotive electrical systems using direct instruction to improve students’ learning result. Learning device with 4D models were tested to one-group pretest-posttest design. The test examined 23 students’ of XI <em>Teknik Kendaraan Ringan (TKR) </em>SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya in the second semester with materials “automotive electrical systems”. The data of this research were collected using three techniques namely observation, test and questionnaire. The data were then analyzed using an analysis of device validity.</p> <p>The results of this study show the learning equiptment is valid to be implemented, including: (a) valid syllabus with very good category, (b) valid lesson plan with very good category, (c) valid students’ work sheet (LKS) with good category, (d) valid LP, (e) valid learning modul with good category,(f) valid trainer and video with good category. In addition, the learning equipment is effective to be implemented, with: (a) very good category (100%) in lesson plan implementation, (b) very good students’ learning activities, (c) very good students’ respond, (d) the improvement of passing score in learning result.</p> <p>Based on the finding above, it can be concluded that the automotive electrical system learning using direct instruction to improve students learning result is appropriate to use.</p> <p><strong>Key</strong><strong> w</strong><strong>ords</strong> : The Inovation of Device Learning, Automotive Electrical Systems, Direct Instruction, Learning Result.</p> 2014-08-31T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##