RETAIN : Journal of Research in English Language Teaching <p>RETAIN : Journal of Research in Language Teaching, is a quarter research based journal that publishes issues within the field of English Language Teaching. This Peer reviewed Journal is managed and published by English Language Education Study Program of Universitas Negeri Surabaya.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US (Ririn Pusparini) (Eva Rahmawati) Thu, 29 Feb 2024 06:56:22 +0000 OJS 60 Students’ Writing on Narrative Text in Secondary EFL Classroom <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>Writing is one of the activities that students consider difficult when learning English. Writing becomes challenging due to psychological, linguistic, and cognitive problems. Narrative text was chosen as the type of text that was researched in this present study since it is familiar to students’ world by exploring students’ creative thinking. . This research aims to: (1) Explaining how the students’ develop their narrative writing text in secondary EFL classroom; and (2) Explaining how the students’ encountered the difficulties in writing narrative text. This research was descriptive qualitative that aims to describe the ninth-grade that collected through students’ writing task interview and interview. The students’ writing task has four component categories, such asexcellent to very good, good to average, fair to poor, and very poor. Mostly, the students could develop orientation, complication, resolution, and coda well in their narrative writing text. They really understood what should be elaborated in those each text structure of narrative text. Meanwhile, from the results of interviews, student responses show that students experience difficulties in the lack of motivation during the writing process, the difficulty of using past tense sentences and limited vocabulary that has an effect on the processing of story structures. This difficulty can be overcome through consultation and internet media as their support in writing narrative text.<br> <strong>Keywords: </strong>narrative text, difficulties in writing narrative text, narrative text development for EFL.</p> Tabitha Intan Hariono ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 29 Feb 2024 04:49:27 +0000 The Effect of Animation Video on Junior High School Student Reading Comprehension <p>In this research entitled “The Effect of Animation Video on Junior High School Student Reading Comprehension.” the goal of this research to investigate the effect of animation videos on junior high school students’ reading comprehension of narrative text. This research was quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test. The participants in this study were 63 students, 32 for the experimental group and 31 for the control group of 8<sup>th</sup> grade students in junior high school. This class chose based on the teachers who provide classes with the same competence as the daily values ​​of their students. The result of this study showed that there were significant differences between students before and after treatment. In conclusion, video animation as a learning medium for learning reading comprehension and narrative text material has a positive impact.</p> <p><strong><em>Key terms: </em></strong><em>Video animation, reading, reading comprehension, and narrative text</em></p> alfiansyah bagas utama ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 29 Feb 2024 06:48:16 +0000 Enhancing Reading Skills by Using Quizizz for Vocational School Students <p>There is a problem that students of electro department in SMKN 3 Surabaya have an issue in reading skill. Therefore, this study investigated how Quizizz work to enhance vocational school students’ reading skills. This study is done in qualitative research, so the result of this study describes the participants’ responses of Quizizz as a learning media to enhance students’ reading skills. In addition, there is a data contains the comparison of assessment about reading text assignment which is done without Quizizz and using Quizizz. The participants of this study are electro department students (TAV) in SMKN 3 Surabaya and their English teacher. The questionnaire for students is different with the questionnairer for their English teacher.The result shows that Quizizz quite helps vocational school students to enhance their reading skills.</p> Alan Damar Romadhoni Suwaji ##submission.copyrightStatement## Fri, 01 Mar 2024 05:54:57 +0000 Using Animation Video to Enhance EFL Students' Listening Comprehension <p>Animation video is a type contemporary entertainment that blends speech, music, and visuals with moving pictures. The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not students’ listening comprehension significantly improves after receiving instruction via animated videos. This research employed a quantitative methodology. The Visual Communication Design Major (DKV) was chosen as the subject of this research at one state vocational highschool in Surabaya. Class 10 DKV 1 served as the experimental group, and class 10 DKV 2 as the control group in this research.The study’s findings indicate a substantial difference in post-test results between the experimental and control groups, indicating that the experimental group’s pupils had much higher listening comprehension than the control group’s. Thus, it can be said that using animated videos about describing person and describing things as an instructional tool at the treatment stage is very effective in improving the experimental group’s pupils’ listening comprehension in this present research.</p> Muhammad Ibrahim Insan Al Hakim ##submission.copyrightStatement## Thu, 04 Apr 2024 11:45:15 +0000