Ungkapan Ghibah Sebagai Perilaku Nyampah

  • ayu ratna sari S1 Prodi Pendidikan Sendratasik
  • Dra. Jajuk Dwi Sasanadjati, M.Hum Program Studi Pendidikan Sendratasik, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Ngrêsêk’s dance work is a work inspired by the social phenomenon of backbiting, which is a negative behavior by talking abaout the disgrace or badness of other people, which in fact the conversation is not important and not useful. Backbiting can even cause social tension and other bad influences for oneself and others. The choreographer then analogizes backbiting as trashy behavior, because it can be associated between speech or talk that discusses the bad things of other people in backbiting as trash. Based on this, the choreographer was interested in turning it into a corrective dance work. In Ngresek’s dance work, there are two focuses of the work, namely the focus on the content on uncovering the meaning of backbiting as trashy bevahior, and the focus on the form presented in the form of dance theatre.


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How to Cite
sari, ayu, & Sasanadjati, M.Hum, D. J. (2023). NGRÊSÊK DANCE WORK AS AN EXPRESSION OF THE MEANING OF GHIBAH. Solah, 9(1), 14-24. Retrieved from
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