• muhammad wahyu baihaqi didik suhartoyo Unesa
  • Muhammad Wahyu Baihaqi Didik Suhartoyo Unesa





Kabupaten Sidoarjo sebagai penyangga Ibu Kota Provinsi Jawa Timur adalah wilayah yang berkembang pesat di bidang pembangunan. Waduk Long Storage Kalimati memiliki luas lima kilometer persegi yang mampu menampung air 1,6 juta kubik. Pembangun Waduk Long Storage Kalimati merupakan strategi pemerintah untuk menampung air yang dijadikan sebagai bahan baku PDAM. Pembangunan Waduk berlokasi di Desa Tarik, Kecamatan Tarik, Kabupaten Sidoarjo  berdampak negatif bagi masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitarnya. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui dampak pembangunan Waduk Long Storage Kalimati terhadap ekonomi masyarakat di Desa Tarik Kecamatan Tarik Kabupaten Sidoarjo.

Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian Survey. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Tarik, Kecamatan Tarik, Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Populasi penelitian ini yaitu masyarakat desa Tarik. Sebanyak 98 responden ditentukan sebagai sampel dengan menggunakan rumus slovin. Pengambilan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Teknik analisis yang dipakai pada penelitian merupakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif.

Penelitian ditemukan bahwa dampak pembangunan waduk terhadap ekonomi masyarakat desa Tarik Kecamatan Tarik Kabupaten Sidoarjo memiliki presentase sebesar 70,51% dengan karekteristik baik. Harapan masyarakat Desa Tarik yakni segera untuk dipercepat tahap penyelesaian pembangunan waduk. Keinginan warga setelah waduk jadi, dapat digunakan untuk berdagang maupun menyediakan jasa untuk memambah pendapatan ekonomi masyarakat dengan adanya kegiatan dikawasan waduk. Adanya alternatif pekerjaan sebagai perubahan pekerjaan, hal ini mengarah timbulnya potensi bisnis baru sesudah selesainya pembangunan waduk.

Kata kunci: Dampak ekonomi, Waduk Long Storage Kalimati, dan Masyarakat desa Tarik.




Sidoarjo Regency as a buffer for the capital city of East Java Province is an area that is experiencing rapid development in the field of development. Long Storage Kalimati Reservoir has an area of ​​5 square kilometers which can accommodate 1.6 million cubic of water. The builder of the Long Storage Kalimati Reservoir is the government's strategy to store water which is used as raw material for PDAMs. The construction of the reservoir is located in Tarik Village, Tarik District, Sidoarjo Regency. Besides having a positive impact, the construction of reservoirs also has a negative impact on the people living in areas affected by development. This study aims to determine the impact of the construction of the Long Storage Kalimati Reservoir on the economy of the community in Tarik Village, Tarik District, Sidoarjo Regency.

This type of research is survey research. The research location was conducted in Tarik Village, Tarik District, Sidoarjo Regency. The population in this study were the people of the village of Tarik. The sample was determined by using the Slovin formula as many as 98 respondents. Retrieval of data using a observation, interviews, documentation. In this study using quantitative descriptive methods.

The results was found that the impact of reservoir development on the economy of the community in Tarik Village, Tarik District, Sidoarjo Regency has a percentage of 70.51% with good characteristics. The desire of the people of Tarik Village is to accelerate the completion stage of reservoir development. The desire of the residents after the reservoir is ready, can be used for trading or providing services to increase the economic income of the community through activities in the reservoir area. The availability of alternative jobs as a job change, which causes the creation of new business potentials after the reservoir has been built.

Keywords: Economic impact, Long Storage Kalimati Reservoir, and villagers Tarik.


Abstract Views: 880