• Kharisma Dwi Cahyaning Unesa
  • Bambang Sigit Widodo Unesa



Adanya virus covid-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) mengakibatkan perubahan sistem pendidikan menjadi daring. Pada SMAN 1 Mejayan Madiun adanya permasalahan hasil belajar peserta didik saat pembelajaran daring menurun serta kurangnya bahan ajar yang sesuai mengakibatkan keinginan peneliti untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar yang menarik dan interaktif yaitu Flipbook Geografi. Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) Kelayakan Flipbook Geografi menurut pakar media, 2) Perbandingan hasil belajar peserta didik yang memanfaatkan Flipbook Geografi dengan yang tidak, 3) Aktivitas peserta didik dalam menggunakan Flipbook Geografi saat pembelajaran, 4) Aktivitas guru dalam menggunakan Flipbook Geografi saat pembelajaran, 5) Respon peserta didik dalam penggunaan Flipbook Geografi saat pembelajaran daring.

Metode yang dilakukan adalah Research and Development/R&D, model pengembangannya yaitu 4-D (Define, Design, Develop, Desseminate). Penelitian ini tidak sampai pada sesi Desseminate. Memakai kategori studi Quasi Esperimental Design desainnya yaitu Nonequivalent Kontrol  Group Design. Metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, lembar observasi aktivitas peserta didik, lembar observasi aktivitas guru, serta angket respon peserta didik. Populasi ialah peserta didik kelas X IPS SMAN 1 Mejayan, sampel yaitu kelas X IPS 1 dan kelas X IPS 2. Skala likert untuk analisis data angket dan validasi. Teknik analisis data memakai uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, uji t-test, serta n-gain score.

Hasil dari riset menampilkan 1) Kelayakan Flipbook Geografi yang divalidasi ahli media memperoleh nilai sebesar 93,33%. 2) Rata-rata posttest kelas eksperimen sebesar  86,67 sedangkan kelas kontrol 80,67. Perbedaan hasil belajar n-gain score 63% “cukup efektif”, independent t-test diperoleh sig.(2-tailed) 0,002 menampilkan terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan. 3) Pada kelas eksperimen aktivitas peserta didik dengan menggunakan Flipbook Geografi mengalami peningkatan yaitu 87,5%. 4) Aktivitas guru pada kelas eksperimen mengalami kenaikan yaitu 82%. 5) respon peserta didik dalam penggunaan Flipbook Geografi 60% “sangat setuju” dan 40% “setuju”.

Kata Kunci : Planet Bumi, Flipbook Geografi, Pembelajaran Daring.


The presence of covid-19 virus (Corona Virus Disease 2019) resulted in the change of education system to online. At SMAN 1 Mejayan Madiun there were problems with students' learning outcomes as online learning decreased and the lack of appropriate teaching materials resulted in the researcher's desire to develop interesting and interactive teaching materials, namely Flipbook Geography. This research aims to know the feasibility of Flipbook Geography according to media experts, recognize the comparison of learning outcomes of learners who make use of Flipbook Geography with those who are not, know the activities of learners in using Flipbook Geography during learning, know the activities of teachers in using Flipbook Geography during learning, and know the response of learners in the use of Flipbook Geography when learning online.

The method is Research and Development / R&D, the development model is 4-D (Define, Design, Develop, Desseminate). But not until the Desseminate session. Using the quasi Esperimental Design study category, nonequivalent Control Group Design. Data collection method through interviews, observation sheets of student activity, observation sheets of teacher activity, as well as questionnaires of student responses. The population is students of class X IPS SMAN 1 Mejayan, the sample is class X IPS 1 and class X IPS 2. Likert scale for poll data analysis and validation. Data analysis techniques use normality test, homogeneity test, t-test test, and n-gain score.

The likert scale is used for questionnaire data analysis and validation, learner learning analysis using t-test and n-gain score. The results of the research showed 1) the feasibility of The Geographic Flipbook validated by media experts obtained a score of 93.33%. 2) the average posttest experimental class was 86.67 while the control class was 80.67. The difference in the study results of the N-gain score was 63% "quite effective", independent t-test obtained by SIG. (2-tailed) 0.002 shows there are significant differences in learning outcomes. 3) in the experimental class of student activity using Flipbook Geography increased by 87.5%. 4) teacher activity in experimental classes increased by 82%. 5) the response of learners in the use of Flipbook Geography 60% "strongly agree" and 40% "agree".

Keywords : Planet Earth, Flipbook Geography, Online Learning.

Abstract Views: 231