Desa wisata Andungbiru merupakan destinasi wisata yang terletak di Kecamatan Tiris Kabupaten Probolinggo. Desa wisata Andungbiru telah ditetapkan sebagai desa wisata melalui Peraturan Bupati No. 22 tahun 2018. Desa wisata Andungbiru telah menawarkan atraksi wisata yang beragam berupa atraksi agrowisata kebun teh, river tubing, dan wisata candi kedaton dengan harapan dapat menarik sebanyak-banyaknya jumlah kunjungan wisatawan. Namun upaya tersebut belum sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan. Jumlah wisatawan masih tergolong rendah sehingga perlu adanya identifikasi faktor-faktor potensi wisata yang dimiliki oleh desa wisata Andungbiru guna sebagai pedoman arah pengembangan yang lebih baik. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui tingkat potensi dan interaksi antar atraksi di desa wisata Andungbiru, Kecamatan Tiris, Kabupaten Probolinggo.
Jenis penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel yang digunakan yaitu 90 orang wisatawan dan 70 orang masyarakar desa Andungbiru yang dipilih secara accidental sampling serta seluruh pengelola Desa wisata Andungbiru sebanyak 15 orang diambil sebagai data pendukung. Untuk mengambil data aksesbilitas dan sarana prasarana didapatkan melalui observasi, sedangkan data atraksi, motivasi, SDM, dan partisipasi melalui kuesioner dan wawancara dan dokumentasi untuk mendapatkan data pendukung seperti jumlah kunjungan wisatawan. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis untuk mengetahui potensi menggunakan teknik skoring dengan skala guttman, dan untuk mengetahui tingkat interaksi menggunakan rumus gravitasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi desa wisata Andungbiru termasuk dalam potensi tinggi. Tingginya potensi tersebut didukung oleh faktor-faktor yang mempunyai kategori sangat tinggi pada daya tarik atraksi dan motivasi pengelola, kategori tinggi pada sarana prasarana dan Sumber Daya Manusia, namun masih tergolong dalam kategori rendah pada faktor aksesbilitas dan partisipasi masyarakat. Interaksi paling rendah antara objek river tubing dengan kebun teh.
Kata Kunci: Desa Wisata, Pengembangan, Kunjungan Wisatawan, Potensi
Andungbiru tourist village is a tourist destination located in Tiris District, Probolinggo Regency. Andungbiru tourism village has been designated as a tourism village through Regent Regulation no. 22 of 2018. The Andungbiru tourism village has offered various tourist attractions in the form of agro-tea garden attractions, river tubing, and Kedaton temple tours in the hope of attracting as many tourists as possible. However, these efforts have not been in accordance with what was expected. The number of tourists is still relatively low, so it is necessary to identify the factors of the tourism potential of the Andungbiru tourism village to serve as guidelines for better development directions. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of potential and interaction between attractions in the tourist village of Andungbiru, Tiris District, Probolinggo Regency.
This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The sample used was 90 tourists and 70 people from Andungbiru village who were selected by accidental sampling and all 15 managers of Andungbiru tourism village were taken as supporting data. To collect data on accessibility and infrastructure facilities obtained through observation, while data on attractions, motivation, human resources, and participation through questionnaires and interviews and documentation to obtain supporting data such as the number of tourist visits. The data obtained was then analyzed to determine the potential using a scoring technique with a Guttman scale, and to determine the level of interaction using the gravity formula.
The results of the study show that the potential of Andungbiru tourism village is included in the high potential. This high potential is supported by factors that have a very high category in the attractiveness of attractions and manager motivation, in the high category in infrastructure and human resources, but still in the low category in terms of accessibility and community participation. The lowest interaction between river tubing objects and tea gardens.
Keywords: Tourism Village, Development, Tourist Visits, Potential