Literature Study The Effect of Using Integrated Media on Natural Disaster Mitigation of Volcanic Eruptions on The Preparedness of Elementary School Students

Studi Literatur Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Terintegrasi Mitigasi Bencana Alam Erupsi Gunung Api Terhadap Kesiapsiagaan Siswa Sekolah Dasar (SD)

  • Beta Cindy Aprilia Unesa
  • Prof. Dr. Ketut Prasetyo, M.S. Unesa


The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of the use of integrated media of volcanic eruption disaster mitigation on the preparedness of elementary school students. The research method used is the literature study research method or literature study using secondary data sources that are used as references, obtained by searching, collecting from various relevant previous research results. The data set is processed and compiled to obtain conclusions. The techniques used are literature study techniques and documentation techniques. Based on the results of the analysis conducted by researchers related to the use of media, it has a significant influence on the preparedness of elementary school students. This is evidenced by the acquisition of the average value of the Wilcoxon test that the integrated media with natural disaster mitigation of volcanic eruptions in the form of animated video media, audio-visual media and role play, disaster comic media, miniature disasters, and puzzle games have an average p value less than alpha (<0.05). This means that the use of integrated media mitigating natural disasters of volcanic eruptions is able to improve the attitude of preparedness in the face of disasters and increase the knowledge or knowledge of elementary school students (SD) against disasters based on disaster experiences in the area where they live, namely volcanoes.

Keywords: integrated media, volcanic eruption, preparedness, elementary school students.

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