
Abstrak: Tunjangan Profesi Guru merupakan salah satu program pemerintah dalam rangka perbaikan kualitas pendidikan nasional. Melalui pemberian Tunjangan Profesi Guru, diharapkan para Guru memiliki kesempatan yang lebih besar dalam meningkatkan kualitas, kompetensi, dan kinerjanya termasuk diantaranya adalah Guru seni budaya SMP di Kabupaten Trenggalek. Berdasarkan Latar belakang penelitian, Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Adakah pengaruh Tunjangan Profesi Guru terhadap kinerja Guru seni budaya SMP di kabupaten Trenggalek? (2) Adakah perbedaan nilai kinerja Guru seni budaya SMP di Kabupaten Trenggalek Sebelum menerima Tunjangan dengan Sesudah menerima Tunjangan Profesi Guru? Dalam penelitian ini dipilih metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian pre-experimental dan bentuk penelitian one-shot case study. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Ada pengaruh yang kuat antara pemberian Tunjangan Profesi Guru dengan kinerja Guru seni budaya SMP di Kabupaten Trenggalek sebesar 49% (2) Terdapat Perbedaan nilai kinerja Guru seni budaya SMP di Kabupaten Trenggalek antara sebelum dan sesudah menerima Tunjangan Profesi Guru dengan nilai t hitung sebesar -7,88. Adapun rata-rata nilai peningkatan kinerja Guru seni budaya SMP di Kabupaten Trenggalek sebesar 110 poin sebelum menerima Tunjangan Profesi Guru, menjadi 117 poin sesudah menerima Tunjangan Profesi Guru. Jika dipersentasekan, nilai kinerja Guru naik 6,36% setelah menerima Tunjangan Profesi Guru.

Kata Kunci: Pengaruh, Tunjangan Profesi Guru, Kinerja Guru.

Teacher profession subsidy is one of the government programs which used to improve the quality of national education. By giving teacher profession subsidy the government expect that teachers have a greater opportunity to improve their quality, competence, and performance, including junior high school arts education teacher in Trenggalek District.Based on the research background, so the questions are; (1) Are there any effect by giving teacher profession subsidy for arts and cultures junior high school teacher performance in Trenggalek District? (2) Are there any difference on the performance value of arts and cultures junior high school teacher in Trenggalek District before and after receiving the teacher profession subsidy?Quantitative research is choosen as the research methodology, with pre-experimental research design and one-shot case study as the research form. The result of this research showed that (1) There is a big effect by giving teacher profession subsidy with the performance of junior high school arts education teacher in Trenggalek district is amount of 49%. (2) There is a difference on the performance value of junior high school arts education teacher before and after receiving teacher profession subsidy with t value in amount of -7.88. Before receiving subsidy, the average value of junior high school arts education teacher performance is 110 point and then increases 117 point after receiving teacher profession subsidy. Those, teacher performance increases 6.36% after receiving teacher profession subsidy. Keywords: Effect, Teacher Profession Subsidy, Teacher Performance.

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