
Pembuatan media permainan monopoli batik ini dikembangkan dengan jenis penelitian pengembangan Research and Development (R&D). Sedangkan pada tahap pengembangannya mengacu pada model 4-D (four-D Models) dengan melalui tahapan pendefinisian (define), tahap perencanaan (Design), tahap pengembangan (Develop), dan tahap penyebaran (Disseminate). Setelah media permainan monopoli batik divalidasi oleh ahli media dan materi, hasil pengembangan produk ini, diujicobakan pada siswa kelas V SD Siti Aminah dengan rumusan masalah sebagai berikut : 1. Bagaimana pembelajaran seni budaya siswa kelas V di SD Siti Aminah ? 2. Bagaimana uji validasi media pembelajaran permainan monopoli untuk siswa kelas V di SD Siti Aminah ? 3. Bagaimana hasil uji coba pengembangan media permainan monopoli dalam pembelajaran seni budaya untuk siswa kelas V di SD Siti Aminah ? Dari hasil validasi ahli, hasil uji coba, hasil aktivitas siswa, nilai rata-rata pretest dan posttest dapat dikatakan bahwa media pengembangan permainan monopoli termasuk kategori baik dan efektif sebagai media pembelajaran. Berdasarkan rata-rata nilai tes siswa yang mencapai angka sebesar 87,9 dan melebihi nilai kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM) di SD Siti Aminah yang mencapai angka sebesar 70, maka tujuan pembelajaran dengan media permainan monopoli batik di SD Siti Aminah telah tercapai.

Kata Kunci: Media pembelajaran, apresiasi batik, permainan monopoli

 The making of monopoly batik as the media is being given for and practiced by the students of fifth grade from SD Siti Aminah. To conduct a research, This study used Research and Development(R&D) while in the development stages, this study refers to Four-D Models with the research questions as below: 1. How is the learning process of art and culture subject in the fifth grade-students from SD Siti Aminah? 2. How is the validity of Monopoly board game as the learning media for the fifth grade-students from SD Siti Aminah? 3. How does Monopoly board game as the learning media work for art and culture subject in the fifth gradestudents from SD Siti Aminah? Based on the result of expert validation, average score and the result of students’ activities can be concluded that monopoly board game is categorized good and effective as learning media in order to increase the study result and students interest toward art and culture subject. Monopoly game board as the learning media has been increasing the study result of art and culture subject in SD Siti Aminah with average score of 87,9. So, in the other hand, the learning process using batik monopoly as the media has exceeded the Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) which is much better than the learning before which got average score of 70. Key Words: Instructional media, batik appreciation , monopoly game

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