
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan perwujudan, karakteristik, serta pengembangan penerapan motif Porang pada ragam produk batik di UD. Barokah, Kabupaten Madiun. Metode penelitian ini adalah RnD yang hasilnya disajikan secara deskriptif. Model  analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis taksonomi. Untuk pengecekan keabsahan data digunakan teknik triangulasi, member check, dan validator.

Setelah data-data yang diperoleh dianalisis, diketahui bahwa motif Porang dan Bunga Kenanga adalah motif khas UD. Barokah. Karakteristik motif Porang yaitu memiliki bentuk tepian daun bergelombang dengan isen garis lengkung yang disusun menyerupai tulang daun, serta seringkali berwarna hijau. Sedangkan motif Bunga Kenanga memiliki tiga hingga enam mahkota bunga yang digambarkan tanpa isen dan seringkali berwarna putih atau dibiarkan serupa dengan latarnya. Desain pengembangan yang telah dihasilkan dari penelitian ini sebanyak 20 desain. Lima desain diantaranya diwujudkan menjadi produk yaitu masing-masing 1 produk untuk sarung bantal kursi, taplak meja, hiasan dinding, sprei, dan kain berpola.

Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, Aplikasi Motif, Ragam Produk.

This research aimed at investigating and describing the shape, characteristic, and used of batik with Porang Motif on fabrics production in UD. Barokah, Kabupaten Madiun. To cope with that, research and development was implemented as a research design and then it was analyzed by descriptive qualitative technique. Moreover, in describing the data collected, this research used taxonomy analysis. Then, they were proved by triangulation technique of member check and validator.    

After that, the data were analyzed by the researcher. The findings revealed that Porang and Kananga Flowers Batik Motives were both originally from UD Barokah. Furthermore, the characteristic of Porang Motif was the shape of its leaf that wavy at the edges with curve line in the middle of it. In addition, the green color was dominated this motif. Meanwhile, Motif of Kananga Flowers was visualized by the six petals without decoration inside it and composed by white or other colors that were matched with the background. After compiling the above information, the researcher was able to produce 20 designs. Five of them were implemented to become seat pillowcase, tablecloth, wall hanging decoration, bed linen, and patterned fabrics. 

Key words : Development, Motives Implementations, Product Variety.

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