Jurnal Vokasi Teknik Sipil https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/viteks <p>The ViTeks Journal is aimed at all academics and practitioners in the field of civil engineering, especially applied civil engineering. The Scope of applied civil engineering Journal covers the results of field research, literature studies, application of the method, development of standard operating procedure, and development of civil engineering technology. The journal is issued 3 (two) times a year and min. 5 articles per issued.</p> <p>The research is viewed through macro or micro civil engineering perspectives from various aspects, such as: planning, design, management, operational, production,, human resources, safety, and finance.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US Jurnal Vokasi Teknik Sipil Pemetaan Pola Persebaran Gedung Kantor Cabang Dan ATM Bank BCA Di Kota Surabaya Berbasis Pada Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/viteks/article/view/58395 <p><em>Surabaya is the capital of East Java province which is also one of the big cities in Indonesia whose population density is increasing every year. Has an area of 374.36 km2 with a population of 3 million people, making Surabaya a densely populated city. The city of Surabaya is also a trading city in which there is a lot of money circulation. This is evidenced by the many sub-branch offices (KCP) of banks, especially Bank BCA, which are spread across the city of Surabaya. Information regarding the location of Bank BCA Sub-Branch Offices (KCP) is needed so that the people of Surabaya are not too far away from reaching the services offered by KCP Bank BCA. This study aims to determine the mapping, pattern of distribution, and coverage of KCP Bank BCA. This research was conducted using the Nearest Neighbor Analysis method using ArcGIS 10.8 software. The results of the analysis of the distribution pattern of BCA Bank KCP in the Surabaya City area are categorized as random. Outreach results with a radius of 2.5 Km Whereas high coverage results for some areas with a percentage of 35% are in 11 locations, Enough coverage results with a 32% percentage are 10 locations, Low coverage results with a 20% percentage are 6 locations and coverage results are not reached by some areas with a percentage of 13% there are 4 locations.</em></p> mirda mirda dwi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-17 2024-04-17 2 1 1 8 Perencanaan Gambar Rainwater Harvesting Metode Roof Cacthment Dengan Desain Tropical Green Roof https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/viteks/article/view/58445 <p><em>Waluyo Jati Regional Hospital carries out continuous development to improve services to the community. This development has increased the volume of clean water needed to meet the water needs of Waluyo Jati Regional Hospital. This research aims to determine the planning drawings of a rainwater harvesting system that uses the roof method of the integrated supporting building at Waluyo Jati Regional Hospital with a tropical green roof design and to find out how much savings occur after implementing this system. This research uses a descriptive analysis method with a quantitative approach. Based on the results of research that has been carried out, it was found that the total area of the integrated support building at Waluyo Jati Regional Hospital was 656.21 m2 with a rainwater runoff discharge of 19.260 liters/hour and a rain intensity of 30,87 mm/hour. The size of the ground water tank used is 2,31 m long, 1,73 m wide and 2,89 m high. The savings after implementing the rainwater harvesting system using the roof catchment method with a tropical green roof design is that it can save PDAM water costs of IDR. 156,230/day.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Bintang Mutiara Suli ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-24 2024-04-24 2 1 9 15 Stabilisasi Tanah Ekspansif Menggunakan Serbuk Cangkang Telur Dengan Tambahan Kapur Sebagai Zat Aditif https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/viteks/article/view/58693 <p><em>Soil is the basis of a building structure. Each region has varied soil characteristics and properties. Expansive land is often a problem for some construction service providers because it has bad properties. Expansive soil stabilization action is a method that can reduce the poor properties of expansive soils. Eggshell powder is organic waste that is almost every day and has not been used properly. The use of eggshells as a mixture of soil improvement can be one of the uses of eggshell waste. Lime is one of the chemicals that become an ingredient for soil stabilization. Lime contains pozzolan substance, which is the same substance as Portland Cement which at certain levels and treatments reacts to changes in the mechanical properties of expansive soil. This study used an experimental method by providing a variety of test specimens located on the content of a mixture of eggshell powder on expansive soil, namely 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% with a mixture of 10% lime as an additive, namely lime. The percentage of effective addition of eggshell powder to a mixture of 10% lime + 20% eggshell powder can increase the plastic limit value and decrease the liquid limit.</em></p> Mohammad Arhoillah Hasan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-30 2024-01-30 2 1 16 21 PERENCANAAN GEDUNG FTIK UIN TULUNGAGUNG DENGAN INSTALASI PEMBANGKIT LISTRIK TENAGA SURYA https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/viteks/article/view/58818 <p><em>The FTIK building (Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training) is one of the buildings at the Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah State Islamic University, Tulungagung. A building with 5 floors and consisting of 26 classrooms costs an average of IDR 14,646,758/month for electricity. This research aims to reduce electricity costs by replacing the lights in the classrooms using PLTS. The lights were chosen using PLTS because considering the long duration of the lights on in the FTIK building, namely 15 hours/day. Research at the FTIK UIN Tulungagung Building using Monocrystalline panels with an On-Grid system. This research is quantitative. The calculation planning for this PLTS electrical installation requires 27 200Ah batteries, 28 panels with a capacity of 300 wp, and 5 60A controllers. Planning to save electricity costs of IDR. 1,021,860/month with electrical power of 42,120 wh, payback period of 7 years.</em></p> safina salsabila ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-28 2024-04-28 2 1 22 27 ANALISIS DAYA DUKUNG TIANG PANCANG KELOMPOK MENGGUNAKAN SOFTWARE ALLPILE DENGAN PENDEKATAN METODE REESE https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/viteks/article/view/59268 <p><em>In conventional analysis, using empirically tested formulas ensures the accuracy of an analysis. However, this process often takes time to achieve safe and accurate results. With technological advancements, numerous software applications facilitate structural analysis in construction. This meets the demand for efficiency and precision in analysis results, one of which is Allpile Software. AllPile is a software tool used to assist in analyzing and designing various types of foundations, including pile foundations. The analysis results of pile bearing capacity using Allpile software with the Reese method approach based on Standard Penetration Test (SPT) data yielded ultimate bearing capacities of group pile foundations with 2, 4, and 6 piles, respectively, at&nbsp;</em><em>173.68 tons/m2, 347.36 tons/m2, and 521.05 tons/m2.</em></p> Moh Rafikanaja ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 2 1 28 33 PEMODELAN PADA STABILITAS LERENG DENGAN PERKUATAN GEOGRID MENGGUNAKAN SOFTWARE GEOSLOPE https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/viteks/article/view/59344 <p><em>The Geoslope software is a tool designed for analyzing slope stability and risk assessment, particularly in geotechnical engineering. With the advancement of this technology, it facilitates and expedites the calculation process. The analysis results of slope stability without reinforcement using the Bishop method, based on data from Standard Penetration Test (SPT), indicate a value of 0.746 in the Geoslope software. According to Bowles (1984) classification, this slope is in a critical condition or prone to landslide. The solution to address this issue is by adding reinforcement to the slope, using geogrid with a tensile strength of 40 kN/m. The geogrid is installed with a length of 12 meters on slope 1 and 8 meters on slope 2, with a vertical spacing between geogrids of 0.5 meters. The analysis results after reinforcement show an increase in value to 1.314, indicating that the slope is now in a safe or stable condition.</em></p> Naufal Hammam ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 2 1 34 39 PENGOLAHAN HASIL MAPPING MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI AGISOFT UNTUK MENENTUKAN DIGITAL ELEVATION MODEL (DEM) https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/viteks/article/view/59362 <p><em>Methods for carrying out mapping activities are also developing along with the increasing need for geospatial data in various fields in a region. In using UAV technology, it is also necessary to help the use of Ground Control Points as a coordinate point binder so that aerial photography products have high accuracy. The purpose of the discussion is to find out how to take mapping data using RTK drone technology and process mapping data using the Agisoft application. The methodology used to obtain these data was carried out by literature study, observation study, interview, and consultation with the main contractor. In the process of taking and processing mapping data on the project carried out at Dhoho International Airport Kediri. At the time of the implementation of mapping using RTK drones, the determination and distribution of GCPs began</em>, <em>followed by processing stages starting from the filltering stage to orthophoto. After that, the results of the aerial photo data processing will be used as contours and the DEN will also be used as a map as a basis for cut and fill calculations.</em></p> Andria Kurniawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-16 2024-05-16 2 1 40 47 Risk Asessment Proyek Pembangunan Gedung Perkantoran (Studi Kasus SII Office Building) https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/viteks/article/view/59728 <p><em>Infrastructure development in Indonesia is growing rapidly. The building construction project is one of the most rapid developments currently to meet the basic needs of the community in supporting various daily activities. In carrying out a building construction project, of course, several stages are required, where the process is quite long and complex and can cause various kinds of risks. PT. Sinar Waringin Adikarya is building a multi-storey building project on an area of ±5,994 m² totaling 7 floors which will function as a Sinar Investama Indonesia office building (SII Office Building) and of course every construction activity has the potential to pose risks. This research aims to determine the results of risk assessments that have been identified in the SII Office Building construction project. This research was carried out quantitatively in the form of a questionnaire assessing the results of multiplying the likelihood (likelihood) and the consequences (severity). Based on the results of the risk assessment analysis of 51 risk indicators, it was found that there were 2 types of hazards with an extreme risk (E) level, 2 risk indicators (4%), risk indicators with a high risk (H) level, namely 7 risk indicators (14%), risk indicators. with a moderate risk (M) level, namely 38 risk indicators (74%), and risk indicators with a low risk (L) level, namely 4 risk indicators (8%).</em></p> Meti Yati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 2 1 54 61 RISK REGISTER KECELAKAAN KERJA PEKERJAAN STRUKTUR PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG PERKANTORAN (STUDI KASUS SII OFFICE BUILDING) https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/viteks/article/view/59602 <p><em>Construction project development is a series of complex activities and it does not rule out the possibility that risks will occur during project construction. The SII (Sinar Investama Indonesia) Office Building project is a building project that has an area of ​​±5994 m2 and has a total of 7 floors. In this case, a building project is a high-risk project, because a building project is an activity that is prone to work accidents. Therefore, observation is needed to identify the risk of work accidents that are likely to occur in all work on the SII Office Building construction project. This research uses literature study observations by searching for several journals related to identifying the risk of work accidents in building construction projects. The results of research obtained 24 work accident risk indicators from literature studies which have been validated by the Safety Officer or K3 of the SII Office Building project. Based on the variables, the results of the 33 work accident risks found that there were 8 risks from casting work, 8 risks from formwork work, and 9 risks from casting work.</em></p> Dimas Maulana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-21 2024-05-21 2 1 48 53