Penerapan Self Assessment untuk Feedback pada Penilaian Kinerja Siswa dalam Kegiatan Praktikum Materi Fluida Statis Kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Babat Lamongan





Penilaian merupakan hal yang tidak boleh diabaikan dalam suatu proses kegiatan pembelajaran fisika termasuk pada kegiatan praktikum. Berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan di SMA Negeri 1 Babat saat melaksanakan Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) diketahui bahwa pada penilaian praktikum biasanya cenderung fokus terhadap aspek kognitif melalui tes tertulis, laporan kelompok dan aspek afektif melalui penilaian sikap. Selain kedua aspek tersebut, aspek psikomotor berupa aktivitas kinerja peserta didik selama kegiatan praktikum berlangsung harusnya juga menjadi fokus dalam penilaian sehingga perlu dicari bentuk penilaian kinerja lain yang dapat menutupi keterbatasan tersebut. Salah satu alternatif penilaian kinerja yang dapat digunakan tersebut adalah self assessment. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang menerapkan self assessment untuk feedback dalam praktikum materi fluida statis untuk menilai kinerja siswa, mendeskripsikan kinerja siswa setelah diterapkan self assessment untuk feedback dalam praktikum materi fluida statis untuk menilai kinerja siswa, serta untuk mendeskripsikan respon siswa selama pelaksanaan self assessment untuk feedback dalam kegiatan praktikum materi fluida statis. Desain penelitian ini adalah One group pretest-posttest design menggunakan 2 kelas eksperimen. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar self assessment, lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran yang menerapkan self assessment, lembar format penilaian kinerja, lembar test (pretest dan posttest) serta lembar angket respon siswa. Analisis keterlaksanaan pembelajaran yang menerapkan self assessment di kelas eksperimen 1 diperoleh persentase rata-rata sebesar 86% dengan kategori sangat baik sedangkan dikelas eksperimen 2 diperoleh persentase rata-rata sebesar 85% dengan kategori sangat baik. Adapun keterlaksanaan self assessment dalam mengungkap kemampuan kinerja siswa yang mengamati 16 aspek dapat diketahui bahwa rata-rata hasil kinerja siswa meningkat tiap pertemuan, Penilaian kinerja rata-rata kelas XI IPA 2 yakni sebesar 80,7 sedangkan penilaian kinerja rata-rata kelas XI IPA 4 sebesar 79. Kemampuan kinerja siswa setelah diterapkan self assessment cenderung meningkat, hal ini diketahui berdasarkan hasil penilaian kognitif produk (pretest dan posttest) terdapat perbedaan nilai pretest dan posttest yang signifikan, selain itu terjadi peningkatan pada aspek psikomotor dan afektif, hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa self assessment untuk feedback pada kegiatan praktikum memberikan pengaruh yang baik terhadap kinerja siswa. Disamping itu juga perbedaan penilaian yang dilakukan oleh observer berbeda dengan penilaian siswa, perbedaan tersebut tidak menjadi kendala sebab selisihnya masih kurang dari 10% (Zulharman, 2007). Analisis hasil angket respon siswa memberikan respon positif terhadap penerapan self assessment untuk feedback dalam mengungkap kinerja siswa pada kegiatan praktikum. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa self assessment dapat diterapkan dalam menilai kinerja siswa pada praktikum fluida statis.


Kata Kunci : Self assessment, kinerja siswa, keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, psikomotor,  afektif dan respon siswa.




Assessment is a thing that should not be overlooked in the process of learning activities including the physics lab activities. Based on observations made at SMAN 1 Babat while Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL ) note that the practical assessment tends to focus on the cognitive aspects through written test, group reports and affective aspects through attitude assessment. In addition to these two aspects, aspects of psychomotor activity in the form of learners performance during lab activities take place should be also the focus of the assessment that is necessary to find other forms of performance appraisal can cover such limitations. One alternative to use performance assessment is self-assessment. This study purpose to describe the implementation of self-assessment of learning that apply to feedback in a static fluid materials lab to assess the performance of students, describing the student's performance after application of self-assessment for the practical feedback static fluid material to assess the performance of students, as well as to describe the response of the student during the execution of the self assessment for feedback in a static fluid material practicum. The design of this study was One group pretest-posttest design using two experimental classes. The instrument used was a self-assessment sheet, observation sheets feasibility study that implements a self-assessment, performance appraisal format sheet, sheet test ( pretest and posttest ) and sheet student questionnaire responses. Feasibility analysis of implementing self-assessment of learning in the experimental class 1 obtained an average percentage of 86% with very good category while the experimental class 2 obtained an average percentage of 85% with very good category. The adherence to the self-assessment of performance in revealing the ability of students to observe 16 aspects can be seen that the average results of each meeting increased student performance, the average performance rating class XI Science 2 which is equal to 80,7 while the average performance appraisal class XI Science 4 by 79 . ability students' performance after application of self-assessment is likely to increase, it is known based on the assessment of cognitive product (pretest and posttest) there are differences in pretest and posttest values ??are significant, other than that there was an increase in psychomotor and affective aspects, this indicates that the self assessment for feedback on lab activities provide a good influence on the performance of students. Beside that, it also differences assessment conducted by different observers with student assessment, the difference is not a constraint because the difference is still less than 10 % (Zulharman, 2007). Analysis of the results of student questionnaire responses provide a positive response to the application of self-assessment for feedback in uncovering the student's performance on lab activities. Based on the results of this study concluded that self-assessment can be applied in assessing the performance of students on practicum static fluid.


Keywords : Self-assessment, student performance, feasibility study, psychomotor, affective and responses of students.


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