Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Learning Cycle 5E pada Materi Fluida Statis Siswa Kelas X SMA






Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan: (1) Keterampilan proses sains siswa sebelum dan sesudah diterapkannya model pembelajaran Learning Cycle 5E, (2) Hasil belajar siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Tuban sesudah diterapkannya model pembelajaran Learning Cycle 5E. (3) Respons siswa terhadap proses pembelajaran. Metode penelitian yang adalah pre-experiment dengan one group pre test post test design. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X MIPA 6 SMAN 1 Tuban. Data yang diperoleh adalah adalah hasil pretest dan posttest kompetensi keterampilan, pengetahuan dan sikap ilmiah siswa. Selanjutnya data tersebut dianalisis dengan statistik uji-t. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan delapan aspek keterampilan proses sains, didapatkan hasil kompetensi keterampilan dengan nilai posttest yang lebih tinggi daripada nilai pretest.  Pada kompetensi pengetahuan, berdasarkan analisis uji-t dapat disimpulkan adanya perbedaan signifikan antara nilai pretest dan posttest dengan rata-rata nilai posttest kelas yang lebih tinggi. Kompetensi sikap, nilai akhir rata-rata kelas terdapat pada kategori sangat baik. Model Learning Cycle 5E mendapatkan respons paling positif dengan pernyataan pembelajaran yang bermanfaat dalam pemahaman materi Fisika dengan metode lebih menyenangkan.


Kata kunci : Learning Cycle 5E, keterampilan proses sains, hasil belajar dan Fluida Statis



This study aims to identify and describe: (1) science process skills of students before and after the implementation of the 5E Learning Cycle model in the subject matter of Fluid Static, (2) Student’s learning outcomes after the implementation of the 5E Learning Cycle model in Static Fluid subject matter. (3) The response of students to the learning process using 5E Learning Cycle model. The research method is a pre-designed experiment with one group pre test post test design. The subjects in this study were students of class X MIPA 6 SMAN 1 Tuban. The data obtained are the result of pretest and posttest for learning outcomes in knowledge, science process skills and attitude of students. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by t-test statistics. Based on observations of eight aspects of science process skills, there is differences in the results obtained for science process skills competence from the pretest scores, the first meeting, the second to the third, with ?higher values for posttest than pretest. In the knowledge competence learning outcomes, based on t-test analysis we can conclude there is a significant difference between pretest and posttest results with higher grade for posttest than the pretest. Attitudes competence learning outcomes, the final value of learning outcomes is in the excellent category. 5E Learning Cycle Model got a positive response from the respondents with the statement that learning is beneficial in understanding Physics with a more interesting method gets the better response.


Keywords: Learning Cycle 5E, science process skills, learning outcomes, Fluid Static


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