




Pembelajaran dengan metode role playing dapat meningkatkan pemahaman pengetahuan, keterampilan dan aktivitas siswa melalui simulasi permainan peran khususnya pada kompetensi komunikasi pelayanan jasa. Dengan melakukan suatu peran dalam komunikasi pelayanan jasa yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi pelayanan jasa di mayarakat, maka diharapkan hasil belajar siswa dalam aspek pengetahuan dan keterampilan dapat memenuhi Standart Ketuntasan Minimum (SKM). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keterlaksanaan sintaks, aktivitas siswa, hasil belajar siswa dan respon siswa setelah kegiatan pembelajaran dengan metode role playing di SMKN 4 Madiun. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Pre Eksperimental Design dengan rancangan penelitian One Group Pretest Posttest Design. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X Tata Kecantikan Rambut SMKN 4 Madiun yang berjumlah 28 siswa. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode observasi, tes dan angket. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keterlaksanaan sintaks dengan skor rata-rata 3 termasuk kategori baik hingga 4 kategori baik sekali. Aktivitas siswa yang mencakup enam aspek penilaian dengan hasil rata-rata mencapai 94,1% dengan predikat baik sekali. Hasil belajar siswa pretest kognitif dengan rata-rata 62 dan posttest 84,8 sedangkan nilai rata-rata pretest psikomotorik 58 dan posttsest 87,5. Hasil uji-t berpasangan pada aspek kognitif sebesar 19,247 dan keterampilan 25,909 dengan signifikasi 0,000 maka terdapat pengaruh metode pembelajaran role playing terhadap hasil belajar komunikasi pelayanan jasa. Respon siswa mencapai rata-rata 95,1% dengan predikat baik sekali. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdapat peningkatan rata-rata hasil belajar sebesar 22,1 aspek kognitif dan 29,5 aspek keterampilan, sehingga disimpulkan terdapat pengaruh metode pembelajaran role playing terhadap hasil belajar komunikasi pelayanan jasa di SMKN 4 Madiun.

Kata kunci: Metode Pembelajaran Role Playing, Komunikasi Pelayanan Jasa



The instruction with Role Playing method is able to improve the understanding of knowledge, skill and student activity through the role game simulation especially on competence of service caring communication. By performing a role within service caring communication as like as the condition of service caring in the community, thus expected that student learning achievement in knowledge and skill meet the Minimum Completeness Standard (SKM). The aims of this research are to know the realization of syntax, student activity, student learning achievement, and student response after teaching and learning activity with Role Playing method in SMKN 4 Madiun. Type of this research was Pre-Experimental Design with One Group Pretest Posttest Design. Subject of this research were student of classroom X Hair Styling in SMKN 4 Madiun as many as 28 students. Data were collected by observation method, test, and questionnaire. Data analysis technique was using t-test.Result of the research shows that syntax realization with mean score 3 included in good category up to 4 which is included in very good category. Student activity including six valuation aspects with mean result achieved 94.1% with predicate is very good. The student learning achievement of cognitive pretest obtained mean 62 and posttest 84.8, while pretest of psychomotor obtained mean 58 and posttest 87.5. Result of paired t-test at cognitive aspect is 19.247 and skill is 25.909 with significance 0.000, then there is effect of Role Playing instruction method toward learning achievement of service caring communication. Student response achieved mean 95.1% with predicate is very good. Based on research result there is improvement of learning achievement average 22.1 at cognitive aspect and 29.5 at skill aspect, thus could be concluded that there areeffects of Role Playing instruction method toward learning achievement of service caring communication in SMKN 4 Madiun.

Keywords: Role Playing Instruction Model, Service Caring Communication


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How to Cite

DEWI, Y. (2016). Jurnal Tata Rias, 5(03).
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