• Ivan Permana Putra Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Tatak Setiadi Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Culinary Center, Promotional Mix, Promotional Obstacles


Promotion is one of the important aspects of marketing activities which commonly used by business actor using various communication models with one of the objectives being to increase the number of sales such as applied by Gajah Mada cullinary center under the auspices of Sidoarjo’s Cooperatives and Micro Enterprises Service (Dinkopum). However, several interesting phenomena about promotion were still found based on previous interviews, research and recommendations from Dinkopum and several Gajah Mada cullinary center committees that its number of visitors was still low, income obtained by traders was much lower than when they were selling on the street and the promotional activity were less than optimal. The results of the research were the Gajah Mada cullinary center had implemented pseveral aspects in the promotional mix such as improving personal service, event rest areas, providing live music, inviting influencers, utilizing social media, implementing discounts, handling working hours and sanitation issues, as well as installing informative menu billboards. Obstacles were also found such as lack of competitiveness of culinary center human resources in digital marketing implemanting discounts and collective data audit for one culinary center, evaluation of disciplin working hours and getting digital fraud.


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How to Cite
Putra, I., & Setiadi, T. (2024). PROMOTIONAL MIX GAJAH MADA CULINARY CENTER SIDOARJO. The Commercium, 8(01), 161-171. Retrieved from
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