Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penjualan Dan Pembelian Berbasis Website Untuk UMKM Studi Kasus PT EDII

  • Affan Adyatma Putra Hadi Mahasiswa
  • Aries Dwi Indriyanti
Keywords: Enterprise Rerource Planning, UMKM, PT EDII


Increased operational complexity and
increasingly fierce competition encourages companies,
including Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), for
adopt efficient information technology solutions. System
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has proven to be
effective solutions to improve operational efficiency and
optimize resources. This research aims to
designing and implementing ERP System applications
website-based specifically for MSMEs, with a focus on studies
PT EDII case. This application is designed to fulfill
unique needs of MSMEs, providing integrated solutions for
production, inventory, finance and marketing management.
The research method used involves analysis
PT EDII business needs, application prototype development,
and evaluation through implementation trials in the environment
MSMEs. The research results show that this application can
increasing operational efficiency of PT EDII and supporting
overall MSME business growth. This research
contribute to the development of information technology
especially in the context of MSMEs. This application can be adopted
by similar MSMEs to increase competitiveness and
productivity, while providing valuable insights for
researchers and practitioners in the field of information technology and
business management.
Keywords— Enterprise Resource Planning, MSMEs, PT EDII.

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