Building a Media Literacy Culture to Neutralize Hoax News

  • Supian Supian Supian Universitas Jambi
  • K. A. Rahman Universitas Jambi
  • Fadlaini Fadlaini Fadlaini SMPN 3 Kota Jambi
Keywords: Culture, Literacy, Media, Hoax


Lately, hoaxes or fake news have circulated, especially on social media. The new generation of internet users has enjoyed many conveniences utilizing social networking sites. This development has changed the role of internet users from just consumers of information to producers of knowledge. The low literacy culture in Indonesia causes the rise of hoaxes. Many people spread the news without first checking the truth. The impact will result in the loss of wholeness, unity, and division among Muslims. This paper tries to unravel the importance of literacy culture to neutralize hoax news. The public is expected to be more critical in receiving information. And see the views of the Koran regarding hoax news to avoid it.

How to Cite
Supian, S., Rahman, K., & Fadlaini, F. (2022). Building a Media Literacy Culture to Neutralize Hoax News. Al-Islam : Journal of Religion and Civilization, 1(1), 26-31. Retrieved from
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