


Literary work is a reflection of the reality. Literary works do not just exist. In creating a literary work, an author is not only imagining things, but there is the underlying life.Drama is a literary work that tells the story through dialogue of the characters. There is no narrator in drama just as in others literary (prose and poetry).Therefore, the whole story is expressed through dialogue of the characters or the actors of the story. The dialogues have some purposes, one of which is to describe the characteristics of the characters. In this study the researcher will examine the drama that give more attention on the determination of the main characters and characteristics. In the play that researcherinvestigates, there are many characters which have different characteristics. Therefore, the statement problems of this research are 1) Is Evechenthe main character in the drama Die Kindermörderinwritten by Heinrich Leopold Wagner, 2)Howthe main character is being portrayed in the play Die Kindermörderinwritten by Heinrich Leopold Wagner. The objectives of this study are 1) proving whether Evechen is the main character or not in the play by Heinrich Leopold Wagner,Die Kindermörderin, 2) describing the characteristics of the main characters in the play Die Kindermörderin composed by Heinrich Leopold Wagner.

This study is a qualitative research, in which the descriptive data will be rich of words and utterances from the characters dialogues which is analyzed in the play Die Kindermörderin written by Heinrich Leopold Wagner. The data source of this study is a play entitled Die Kindermörderinwritten by Heinrich Leopold Wagner. Data analysis techniques conducted in this study include 1) Collecting data from the dialogues in the playDie Kindermörderincomposed by Heinrich Leopold Wagner. 2) Grouping the data that has been collected based on the statement of research problems to facilitate the  analysis. 3) Analyzing and interpreting the data using the theories and concepts that have been described previously. 4) Consulting the resultof the analysis. 5) Reporting the analysis data which is suitable with description of data. 6) Creating a corpus of data to make it easier to know the results of the analysis data according to the data that has been grouped. Researcher uses Sudjiman theory to determine the main character and the theory Sumardjo and Saini in determining the characteristics of the main character. The result of the analysis concluded that Evchen is the main character of Die Kindermörderin who has an honest character.

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