Analyse Ilokutionäre-Sprechakte im Comic “Die Tretrefliege” von Walt Disney

  • RELA OKTAVIA DEWI Jurnal Online Program Studi S-1 Sastra Jerman - Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni UNESA


This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Which will outline the form of speech act performed by Donald and Uncle Gobert. The data in this study in the form of dialogues contained in the comic "Die Tretrefliege" by Walt Disney which is the source of data. Further analysis was done by several steps, among others: (1) comics sorted per round, (2) recorded in accordance with the category, (3) were analyzed by the theory of Reicher (2010). Data analysis is done by looking at the actors said, context and atmosphere when speech berlangsung.Hasil ilokusi studies suggest that the meaning of the directive requirements are not always occur in imperative sentences. Ilokusi were also found in four other meaningful sentence is imperative (a) sentence order, (b) or questions, (c) sentence expectations and-(d)-sentence-statement.
VOL I No 1 Oktober 2012
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