Innere Konflikt der Hauptfigur in Roman "Geboren 1999"

  • FEBRI NUR LAILI Jurnal Online Program Studi S-1 Sastra Jerman - Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni UNESA


The problem of this research is: How does the inner conflict by the main character  in the novel Geboren 1999 by Charlotte Kerner? The research objectives: to describe how the inner conflict the main charackter  in the novel Geboren 1999 by Charlotte Kerner. The research was conducted using qualitative methods, where it will be obtained in the words and their quotations in accordance. From research conducted result that the inner conflict experienced by the main figur karl Meiberg , inner conflict with himself, the second inner conflict with his parents, a third inner conflict with a friend, and the last inner conflict with the other figur.
VOL I No 1 Oktober 2012
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