Telah dilakukan penelitian pengembangan LKS fisika berorientasi model Learning Cycle 7-E pada materi elastisitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kelayakan dari LKS Fisika berorientasi model Learning cycle 7-E pada materi Elastisitas sebagai penunjang pembelajaran SMA yang dinilai berdasarkan kriteria isi, kesesuaian dengan model Learning cycle 7-E, kriteria penyajian, kriteria kebahasaan, kriteria kegrafikan serta kriteria kepraktisan berdasarkan keterlaksanaan dan aktivitas siswa, serta kriteria efektifitas berdasarkan hasil belajar dan respon siswa. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara telaah dan validasi dari dosen fisika, guru fisika, serta angket dari siswa dengan menggunakan instrumen penelitian. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan meliputi lembar telaah materi, lembar telaah kegrafikan, lembar penilaian keterlaksanaan, lembar observasi aktivitas siswa, lembar respon siswa, lembar validasi materi, dan lembar validasi kegrafikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 1 Jombang dengan melibatkan 12 siswa kelas X MIA 1 sebagai peserta uji coba terbatas. Hasil penelitian ini, LKS yang dikembangkan dikatakan layak menurut validator dan respon siswa dengan persentase ≥ 61%. Penilaian validator berdasarkan kriteria isi, kesesuaian dengan model Learning cycle 7-E, kriteria penyajian, kriteria kebahasaan, dan kriteria kegrafikan dengan persentase masing-masing sebesar 88,00%, 78,10%, 85,93%, 80,00%, dan 85,72%. Hasil penilaian keterlaksanaan, observasi aktivitas siswa rata-rata pada semua fase, dan hasil belajar rata-rata masing-masing sebesar 92,86%, 3,30, 3,25. Respon siswa berdasarkan kriteria isi, kesesuaian dengan model Learning cycle 7-E, kriteria penyajian, dan kriteria kebahasaan dengan persentase masing-masing sebesar 95,84%, 93,34%, 89,59%, dan 100%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan LKS fisika berorieantasi model Learning cycle 7-E pada materi elastisitas yang dikembangkan layak digunakan sebagai penunjang pembelajaran SMA.
Kata kunci: LKS; Model Learning cycle 7-E; Elastisitas
Has conducted development research of physics worksheet that oriented in model of Learning Cycle 7-E on the elasticity. This study aimed to describe the feasibility of Physics worksheet in Learning cycle 7-E oriented model of the elasticity of the material as a high school learning support assessed based on the criteria of content, compliance with the model Learning Cycle 7-E, the criteria of presentation, linguistic criteria, the criteria of practicality based on graphic and done of student activities, as well as the effectiveness criteria based on learning outcomes and student response. Methods of data collection is done by means of a review and validation of the faculty of physics, physics teacher, as well as a questionnaire from students using research instruments. Instruments used in this research include the study of the material sheet, sheet of graphic study, feasibility assessment sheets, observation sheets student activity, student response sheet, sheet material validation, and validation of graphic sheet. This research was conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Jombang by involving 12 students of class X MIA 1 as the trial participants is limited. Results of this study, worksheet developed is feasible according to the validator and the student response to the percentage of ≥ 61%. Validator assessment based on the criteria of content, compliance with the model Learning Cycle 7-E, the criteria of presentation, linguistic criteria, and the criteria of graphic with percentages respectively amounted to 88.00%, 78.10%, 85.93%, 80.00%, and 85.72%. Results of feasibility assessment, observation of student activity on average in all phases, and learning outcomes on average respectively 92.86%, 3.30, 3.25. Student responses based on the criteria of content, compliance with the model Learning Cycle 7-E, the presentation criteria, and linguistic criteria with their respective percentage of 95.84%, 93.34%, 89.59%, and 100%. It can be concluded that the development of physics oriented in worksheet of models of Learning Cycle 7E on the elasticity of the material developed fit for use as a high school learning support.
Keywords: Student worksheet, Models of Learning cycle 7-E, Elasticity.