• Hidayatul Ilmih



Berdasarkan observasi langsung melihat dosen mengajar, Media yang digunakan hanya berupa power point dan penjelasan dari dosen saja. Kurangnya media pembelajaran pada mata kuliah kerja bangku dan plat tersebut berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pemahaman mahasiswa dalam memahami materi mata kuliah kerja bangku dan plat. Dengan demikian diperlukan media pembelajaran E-modul Kerja Bangku dan Plat Untuk Mahasiswa Program Studi Diploma III Jurusan Teknik Mesin Di Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Angkatan Laut (STTAL) Surabaya sesuai kebutuhan mahasiswa, diperlukan uji coba kelayakan media, dan diperlukan uji coba keefektifan media. Pengembangan ini menggunakan model ADDIE (Analisis, Desain, Pengembangan, Implementasi, Evaluasi). Media E-Modul Kerja Bangku dan Plat ini diterapkan dengan metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, angket, tes dan dilakukan uji coba lapangan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik perhitungan PSA (Perhitungan Setiap Aspek) untuk wawancara. Dan menggunakan Uji t untuk tes. Hasil penilaian kelayakan media E-Modul yang telah dilakukan kepada ahli materi I dan ahli materi II termasuk dalam kategori baik dengan nilai 93,3%. Dan Hasil penilaian kelayakan media E-Modul yang dilakukan kepada ahli media I dan II juga termasuk dalam kategori baik dengan memperoleh nilai 87,5%. Uji coba lapangan yang dilakukan pada Mahasiswa semester III Jurusan teknik Mesin menghasilkan presentase sebesar 91,25% dimana nilai tersebut tergolong kategori Baik. Dengan hasil yang diperoleh tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa media E-Modul Kerja Bangku dan Plat untuk Mahasiswa Program Studi Diploma III jurusan Teknik Mesin di STTAL Surabaya yang dikembangkan ini baik dan layak digunakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran pada mata kuliah Kerja Bangku dan Plat di STTAL Surabaya. Untuk keefektifan media E-Modul Kerja Bangku dan Plat diperoleh perhitungan dengan taraf signifikan 5% (Sugiyono, 2010), d.b = N-1 = 8-1 = 7 (dikonsultasikan dengan tabel nilai t). Maka dapat diketahui bahwa t hitung lebih besar dari t tabel dengan perbandingan angka (t tabel = 5,188 > t tabel = 0,754). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa media E-modul Kerja Bangku dan Plat efektif dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar Mahasiswa Program Studi Diploma III jurusan Teknik Mesin di STTAL Surabaya.

Kata Kunci : Pengembangan, E-Modul, Kerja Bangku dan Plat


Based on the direct observation by looking at the lecturer while teaching, the media used are only in the form of power point slides and the explanation from the lecturer alone. The lack of learning media in the course of bench and plate work affect the level of students'' understanding of the material explained. Thus, it is necessary to have E-module learning media of Bench and Plate Work for Diploma III Mechanical Engineering Program students at the Navy Technology College (STTAL) Surabaya which has been adjusted to the need of students, besides it is important to do the test to ensure the feasibility of the media and the effectiveness of the media.This development used the model of ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). E-Module media of Bench and Plate Work was applied by using the data collection method of interview, questionnaire, test, and conducted a field trial. The data collection techniques used were PSA computation technique (Calculation Every Aspect) for the interview and the t-test technique to do the test.Results of the feasibility assessment of E-Module media that has been done to the material expert I and material expert II showed that the feasibility of the media considered in a good category with the percentage of 93.3%. And the results of the feasibility assessment of E-Modules media that has been done to the media expert I and media expert II were also belong to the good category with the percentage of 87.5%. The field trial conducted on third semester student of Engineering Technique Department resulted a percentage of 91.25% which is classified as a good category. With the results obtained, it can be concluded that the E-Module media of Bench and Plate Work for Diploma III Mechanical Engineering Students at STTAL Surabaya that has been developed is good and appropriate to use for the learning activities in the course of Bench and Plate Work in STTAL Surabaya. For effectiveness of E-Module media of Bench and Plate Work, it is obtained the calculation with a significance level of 5% (Sugiyono, 2010), db = N-1 = 8-1 = 7 (consulted with the table of t value). Thus, it can be seen that t hitung is greater than t tabel with a comparative figure (t tabel = 5.188> t tabel = 0.754). It can be concluded that the E-module media of Bench and Plate Work is effective in improving the learning outcomes of Diploma III Mechanical Engineering Program Students at STTAL Surabaya.

Keywords: Development, E-Modul, Bench and Plate Work

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