Evaluasi Penerapan Project Based Learning Pada mata Kuliah Sistem Teknologi Motor Bensin Dalam Masa Pandemi Jurusan Teknin Mesin 2019 Unesa

  • Moch Hamid Akbar Tristiawan Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Life is currently entering the 21st century and a global era where technology and science are increasingly developing. In particular, the development of education is also experiencing development to keep pace with the increasingly rapid development of technology. The results of education or the quality of education can be seen from the continuity of the learning process. However, the learning process that is still applied to schools and the learning used is still centered on teachers using the lecture method, this is often used because of shortcomings of existing facilities and infrastructure and lack of supporting tools or props in the Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) process and the models and methods that are often used are considered the easiest to implement. But without the teacher realizing it, this results in students being less active and the learning outcomes desired by the teacher are not fulfilled or the learning outcomes of the learning process are low. The method used in this scientific article is a literature study by reviewing relevant national and international journals and related to predetermined topics and criteria. Thus, it was able to increase the average effectiveness of the activities by 35% and the average effectiveness of learning outcomes by 45%. This shows that the application of Student Facilitator and Explaining is considered very effective in increasing student activity and learning outcomes


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Pendidikan Teknik Mesin
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