Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Teknik Pengelasan Kelas XI SMK Negeri 1 Trowulan

  • Rendy Rahma Maulid Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The definition of education is an activity in the from of guidance, learning, direction, training, and also modeling through various educational strategies. Learning activities often experience obstacles, one of which is the ineffectiveness of the learning model used. Many students feel bored with the lucture method in their learning. This has an impact on student activity that is less so that their learning outcomes are also less than optimal. This study aims to determine the implementation of the Discovery Learning learning model, the difficulties encpuntered, differences in learning outcomes, and students responses to welding engineering subject at SMK Negeri 1 Trowulan. The populatiion in this study are national research journal and international research journal related to the research title. The sample in this study amounted to 3 (three) national research journals and 2 (two) international research journal related to the research title. Data colletion techniques are library sources that come from national research journals and international research journals. Data analysis consist of 3 (three) stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and verification. The results of the study stated that welding technique is a major that is in great demand, the obstacles experienced are monotonous and less fun learning, discovery learning is a learning model that can increase students activity and lead to fun learning and an increase in students learning outcomes using discovery learning.


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