• ach Nawawi universitas nusa cendana
Keywords: Information System Design, Library, Mechanical Engineering Education FKIP UNDANA


The development of the world of education that is increasingly rapidly supported by technology that continues to develop will be in line with the challenges faced. The implementation of the Independent Campus Program in higher education is expected to improve the competence of graduates, both soft skills and hard skills. The library is an educational support unit that must provide information and knowledge to participants/students, so that students have broad insight. Information systems in Mechanical Engineering Education FKIP UNDANA circulation still use the conventional system, so there are often delays in the process of searching for the required data and irregular archive buildup. Therefore, in this study the authors designed a web-based library information system with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the library's work which originally used a manual system to become a web-based library information system. From the research results, after this information system has passed the testing phase, this information system can be used for library automation and will assist library admins and students in obtaining information. With this library information system, admins can easily and quickly search/view member data, journals and theses as well as archive storage without having to worry about the archive being damaged or lost.


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