• Moch Laksa Prabamitha Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Rachmad Syarifudin Hidayatullah Universitas Negeri Surabaya



With the rapid advancement of technology, the transformation of learning media has a major impact on the teaching-learning process, making the learning experience more interesting. Conclude from pre-survey data or observations that have been made at SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya, learning is only centered on the role of educators so that it is conservative so that it affects effectiveness in learning, in addition, there is no interactive learning media that has been verified for validity. In this study using the ADDIE model because of the need for balance in development in material development towards the development of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. This model involves a series of steps, including analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. From the experiments that have been carried out, it was revealed that valid qualifications can be obtained in the development of Android-Based ISpring Suite 9 learning media for the subject of Basic Work in Automotive Engineering. After evaluation by material experts, a feasibility score of 3.67 was obtained, while media experts gave a feasibility value of 3.63. Product trials showed that learning media was effective with an increase in student test results, where the average pretest reached 50.31 and posttest increased to 87.2. These results meet classical standards of completeness. This is supported by pretest results of around 0% of students who achieve completeness scores. Meanwhile, after treatment and posttest, 100% of students achieved the specified completeness score.

Keywords: iSpring suite 9, learning media, android, ADDIE, effectiveness


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Pendidikan Teknik Mesin
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