Application of Angle Pad in Machining Practice Course in Improving Lathe Tool Sharpening Skills in Mechanical Engineering, State University of Surabaya
Angle pad, Learning Devices, Learning Outcomes, ResponseAbstract
Based on observations of students in the Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program during the even semester of the 2022-2023 academic year, teaching and learning activities still employed conventional methods with limited media. This condition led to difficulties for students in understanding the material, performing practical tasks, and lacking confidence in ensuring safety while sharpening chisels. This research aims to (1) determine the feasibility of the learning tools to be used; (2) examine the differences in student learning outcomes between the experimental class using the angle pad media and the control class without the angle pad media; (3) assess students' responses to learning using the angle pad media. The research applied a true experimental design with a Randomized Pre-test Post-test Control Group Design model. Data analysis techniques included learning tools validation, t-test, and student response questionnaires. Data were collected through practical tests on chisel sharpening to evaluate students' learning outcomes and by distributing questionnaires to measure their responses to learning with angle pad media. The results showed that: (1) the jobsheet and student response questionnaire were deemed highly feasible with a feasibility rate of 96%; (2) there was a significant difference in practical performance between the experimental class using the angle pad media and the control class that did not use the media; (3) students' responses to learning using the angle pad media achieved an average score of 88.4%, categorized as excellent.
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