pengaruh latihan passing Triangle dan Diamond terhadap keterampilan passing siswa ekstrakurikuler futsal di SMAN 1 Kawedanan


  • Reynaldi Surya Adhitya universitas negeri surabaya



This study aims to evaluate the effect of Triangle and Diamond passing drills on the passing skills of futsal extracurricular students at SMAN 1 Kawedanan. The research method used was an experimental design with pre-test and post-test on two experimental groups. The study was conducted at SMAN 1 Kawedanan with a sample of 20 students divided into two groups. Data collection techniques used passing skills tests, while data analysis was conducted using Paired Sample T-Test and Independent Samples T-Test. The results showed that both Triangle and Diamond passing drills significantly improved students' passing skills, with Sig. (2-tailed) values of 0.009 for Triangle and 0.001 for Diamond. Although the Diamond drill showed a greater improvement, the difference was not statistically significant compared to the Triangle drill (Sig. 0.106). The conclusion of this study is that both training methods are effective in improving students' passing skills. The implications of this study suggest that varying drills can be used in futsal training programs to maintain motivation and enhance students' skills.

Keywords: passing drills, Triangle, Diamond, passing skills, futsal, extracurricular


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