Heterotopia of Little Palace in Leigh Bardugo’s Shadow and Bone

  • Nur Annissa Rose UNESA


Space and Place are two terms that often use interchangeably yet hold different meanings. The notion has used widely within multidimensional study including in literature. In Foucault’s concept, these two terms are closely-tied with Heterotopia, an other space, that often used as a geographic studies approach. Leigh Bardugo’s Shadow and Bone presents a compelling narrative of the use of Space and the existence of Heterotopia through Alina Starkov’s journey upon become the powerful version of herself. Along with her, The Darkling was the one who initiate the space between them into a battle of control over Alina’s power. This study intended to investigate The Darkling space creation process and its relation towards the existing site in the novel, that is Little Palace as Heterotopia using Foucault’s principle. To support the analysis, this study also take look at the relation of power as the battle of control within space by Foucault. Results showed that the space manifested are manly the cause of The Darkling’s ability in utilizes his domain during the battle of control with Alina. Towards the characters and the culture inhabited, Little Palace exhibit four of six Heterotopia characteristics.

How to Cite
Rose, N. (2020). Heterotopia of Little Palace in Leigh Bardugo’s Shadow and Bone. LITERA KULTURA : Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies, 8(2), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.26740/lk.v8i2.37859
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