Patriarchal Values and Women‘s Agency In Anita Desai’s Fasting, Feasting
This study analyzes the patriarchal value represented in Anita Desai's novel entitled Fasting, Feasting. Indian women who are the subject of patriarchy struggle to defend the patriarchal values in their families. This study uses the theory of postcolonialism to analyze the main character's struggle against patriarchy. Theory from Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, who explained postcolonialism, would further be used to describe the 'colonized subject' to live his life and the theory of Sylvia Walby to define patriarchy. After analyzing this novel, two conclusions can be drawn. First, the treatment of his parents reflects the value of patriarchy. They prioritize their sons to get a quality education. Second, Uma's struggle against the patriarchal values assisted by other figures. In opposing patriarchal values, Uma seeks freedom by asking for the help of her teacher, her neighbor, and committing acts of self-harm that makes her parents worry. Besides that, Dr. Dutt also channeled his hand to support the release of Uma.
Keywords: postcolonial, feminism, patriarchy
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