Gender Performativity talks about Gender performativity explains that gender is formed by behavior
that is carried out repeatedly and forms a gender which different with individual’s biological sex.
Society creates gender divides between men and women. They think that humans are born in only two
genders: male and female. Heteronormativity refers to those who have only two gender or sexual
orientation possibilities. This study aims to examine how Gender Performativity proves that gender
identity is shaped by society and performed from repetitive acts on homosexual gestures. This study
portrays Emily Dickinson in Dickinson TV series who is classified as queer. The theory used in this
study is Gender Performativity by Judith Butler. This qualitative study has resulted that homosexual
identity is concluded by the repetitive acts of homosexual codes. Besides, this study is also explaining
that misogyny is also a cause to a person’s gender identity.
Keywords: Gender Performativity, Gender Identity, Homosexual, Misogyny.
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