Rango’s Wild West Heroic Journey In Gore Verbinski’s Animated Movie Rango (2011)
The hero's journey is a fundamental narrative structure present in every story. According to Vogler, each character can be seen as a hero in their own unique journey. This study aims to analyze the hero's journey in the 2011 animated movie, Rango. By applying Vogler's hero’s journey theory, the research seeks to uncover the transformational path of Rango, the film's main character. Additionally, this study examines the influence of archetypal characters in shaping the hero's development. The findings of this research highlight Rango's transformational journey, illustrated through the twelve stages of the Hero's Journey framework as outlined by Vogler. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the significance and roles of six key archetypal characters in guiding and molding the hero throughout his adventure. This analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of how Rango's character evolves and the pivotal contributions of supporting characters in his heroic journey.
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