

Otonomi desa menimbulkan bertambahnya kewenangan desa dalam mengatur dan mengurus pemerintahannya diperkuat dengan Pemendagri Nomor 66 Tahun 2007 tentang perencanaan pembangunan desa yang sebelumnya terbebani dengan program-program pembangunan dari pusat. Pemerintah desa sekarang bisa leluasa dan bebas dalam mengelola dan mengatur serta menentukan arah pembangunan desa secara mandiri. Desa Sambiroto mendapatkan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa 2,2 Miliar Sehingga hal ini menarik bagi peneliti untuk meneliti terkait Strategi Optimalisasi Pengelolaan kekayaan (Aset) Desa dalam Pembangunan Desa di Desa Sambiroto Kecamatan Kapas Kabupaten Bojonegoro. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah Strategi Optimalisasi Pengelolaan kekayaan (Aset) Desa dalam Pembangunan Desa dengan menggunakan teori Mardiasmo yang terdapat 4 tahapan pengelolaan kekayaan desa yakni Identifikasi dan inventarisasi nilai dan potensi kekayaan desa, Perlunya system informasi manajemen kekayaan desa, Pengawasan dan pengendalian pemanfaatan kekayaan desa dan Keterlibatan jasa penilai. Hasil dari penelitian ini pembangunan yang telah dilakukan pemerintah Desa sudah tepat sasaran meliputi pembangunan fisik dan non fisik. Dari segi identifikasi dan inventarisasi nilai dan potensi kekayaan desa, pengawasan dan pengendalian pemanfaatan kekayaan desa dan keterlibatan jasa penilai sudah berjalan efektif dengan inisiatif melibatkan masyarakat. Sistem informasi manajemen aset desa sudah ada (papan informasi) namun belum bisa masyarakat akses dengan mudah dalam pemanfaatannya karena belum berbasis internet. Adapun saran peneliti terhadap pemerintah desa ialah terkait sistem informasi yang harus digiatkan berbasis tekhnologi informasi (internet) mengingat perkembangan zaman yang terus berkembang dibarengi dengan sumber daya aparatur yang mumpuni dalam pengelolaannya.

Kata kunci : Strategi, Optimalisasi, Aset Desa


The autonomy of the village raises increasing authority in regulating the village and take care of his Government reinforced with Pemendagri Number 66 Year 2007 about construction of a village that previously burdened with the development programs of the Center. The village Government can now freely and freely manage and organize and determine the direction of development independently. The village of Sambiroto get budget revenue and expenditure of the village of 2.2 billion making it attractive for researchers to examine the related Strategy Optimization of the management of wealth (assets) Village in the construction of the village in the village of Sambiroto sub-district of Bojonegoro Regency Cotton. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The focus in this study is a strategy optimization of the management of wealth (assets) in the development of the village Village by using the theory of Mardiasmo that there are 4 stages of wealth management village i.e. identification and inventory value and potential the wealth of the village, the need for wealth management information system, monitoring and control the utilization of the wealth of the village and the involvement of the services of appraisers. The result of this research was the development of the village Government has done already on target includes the construction of physical and non-physical. In terms of identification and inventory of the value and potential of the wealth of the village, the supervision and control of utilization of the wealth of the village and the involvement of the services of Appraisers has been running effectively with the initiative to involve the community. Information systems asset management the village already existed (information boards) but havent been able to access easily in society today because not internet-based. As for the suggestion of researchers against the Government of the village is related information systems should be focus based information technology services (internet) considering the times that coincided with the establishment of qualified resources in to manage them.

Keywords: Strategy , Optimization, Village Assets

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