STRATEGI DINAS KOPERASI DAN UMKM DALAM PEMBERDAYAAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT (Studi pada Kerajinan Marmer Dan Onix di Kecamatan Besole Kabupaten Tulungagung)



Craft  marmer  and  onix  as  potential  areas  to  be  developed  require  the
participation  of  government  agencies  Tulungagung  through  relevant  in  this  case  the
Department  of  Cooperatives  and  UMKM  as  outreach  efforts  to  keep  small  and  medium
businesses  run  by  people  both  individually  and  self-maintained  and  grown  and  able  to
continue to grow into a competitive industry that can compete with big businesses.
The method used is descriptive qualitative research locations in the office of
Department of Cooperatives and UMKM Tulungagung and some industrial centers Onix
stone and Marmer handicrafts in the village of Besuki , District Campurdarat .
In  order  to  improve  the  welfare  of  the  community,  in  accordance  with  the
provisions  of  the  State  Minister  of  Cooperatives  and  UMKM  with  the  Guidelines  and
PROPERNAS  foundation,  strategies  implemented  Cooperatives  and  UMKM  ,  among
others  ,  first  by  growing  a  healthy  business  climate  conducive  to  the  development  of
UMKM by way of appeal to businesses to compete be healthy and work together, improve
coordination  across  stakeholders  such  as  the  development  of  UMKM  to  easily  and
simplification  of  bureaucracy  in  the  process  of  licensing  to  marketing  and  export
production,  the  Government  also  has  a  soft  loan  program  that  can  be  used  to  increase
capital  community.  Second,  increased  access  to  productive  resources  through
infrastructure  improvements  and  additions,  facilities  and  infrastructure,    improving  the
quality  of  human  resources  through  sharing  ,  training  and  seminars  and  business
consulting  services  for  free.  Third,  the  development  of  entrepreneurship  and  UMKM
superior  competitive  by  improving  the  quality  of  human  resources  ,  utilization  of  local
resources to the maximum and to formulate their programs so that the resulting product
It  can  be  concluded  that  the  Department  of  Cooperatives  and  UMKM
Tulungagung district has three principal strategies as community empowerment, so that
people can be independent and able to take advantage of the potential that exists in their
area  into  a  product  that  has  the  competitiveness  and  enhancing  the  ability  of  the
community 's economy.
Keywords : Strategy, Department of Cooperatives and UMKM, Economic Empowerment.

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