Pemetaan Pola Sebaran Bangunan Pusat Perbelanjaan Kota Surabaya Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis

  • Yuantika Triskila Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Geographic Information System, Autocad, Nearest Neighbor Analysis


Surabaya is the capital city of East Java Province and the second largest city in Indonesia. This is evidenced by the progress of the city of Surabaya in the field of trade. Commercial centers in the city of Surabaya such as malls, supermarkets, plazas and shopping centers. ArcGIS is a GIS software that allows users to utilize various data information. AutoCAD Map is software from AutoDesk Corporation. In general, the software was developed to support data processing and analysis in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Nearest neighbor analysis is one of the analyzes used to explain the distribution pattern of location points by using calculations that consider distance, number of location points, and area area. The final result in the form of an index calculation varies from 0 – 2.15. The distribution of this shopping center produces a Nearest Neighbor ratio or T of 0.927720 with an average distance (Expected Mean Distance) of 953.8998 Meters and a z-score of -0.769890. This shows that the distribution of modern shopping centers is random. The Surabaya City Modern Market shows a value of 0.927720 in the processing results that tend to be random, which are spread quite evenly in parts and slightly accumulate in certain areas.

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