



This research had purpose to observe whether there was influence of direct instruction model toward simple shopping ability to mild mentally retardation children of class VI in SLB C Dharma Wanita Lebo Sidoarjo or not. The subjects used were six students. This research used quantitative approach the kind of research used was pre experiment with one group pre-test post-test design while the data collection methods used were observation and test. The time used in this research was eight times meeting i.e. once pre test, six times treatment, and once post test. The instruments used were writing test and action test.

The data obtained was analyzed using analysis technique of statistic non parametric, sign test. The research result concluded that post test was greater than pre test with the post test value, 73,75 and pre test 54,58. So, it could be concluded that “there was significant influence of direct instruction model toward simple shopping ability to mild mentally retardation” (Zh = 2,03 > Z table = 1,96, α = 5% so that Ho was refused and Ha was accepted).

This research result could be one of the input materials and reference for teachers to develop direct instruction in the school. Because the direct instruction involved the students directly so they were more active.



Keywords: Direct instruction, simple shopping



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