Framing Analysis of Reports on the Rise of Murals Criticizing the Government During the Pandemic Period in Media and Media Indonesia (Period 12 August 2021 - 01 September 2021)

  • Ananda Bintang Iftakhurizaq Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Awang Dharmawan, S.I.Kom., M.A. Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The incident of the rise of murals criticizing the government during the pandemic carried out by the public to express unrest due to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis was responded to by the authorities by removing murals and summoning mural makers for various reasons. According to many parties, the reaction of the apparatus in removing murals is considered a form of backwardness to democracy and the principle of freedom of expression in Indonesia. The media as one of the pillars of democracy plays a role in supervising power, so it is important to see its role in the reporting process of the rampant mural action which was marked by the removal of murals by the authorities. However, there are many interests that affect the reporting of a media, one of which is the interest of media ownership. Therefore, the media and Media Indonesia were chosen as research subjects to compare the framing of the news in the incident of the rise of murals criticizing the government during the pandemic. To see the reality behind the discourse of the mass media, framing analysis is used with the model proposed by Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki. The results found that both media framed the event with the interests of each media. framed the event by taking sides with the mural action by the community. Meanwhile, Media Indonesia tends to frame events by glorifying the removal of murals. Keywords: Framing, Media, Mural,, Media Indonesia
How to Cite
Iftakhurizaq, A., & S.I.Kom., M.A., A. (2022). Framing Analysis of Reports on the Rise of Murals Criticizing the Government During the Pandemic Period in Media and Media Indonesia (Period 12 August 2021 - 01 September 2021). The Commercium, 5(3), 115-128. Retrieved from
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