• Vira Febrianti Octria Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Danang Tandyonomanu Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: effectiveness campaign, optimis jatim bangkit, instagram campaign


The purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of the "Optimis Jatim Bangkit" tagline campaign strategy on
@humasprovjatim Instagram posts between August and October 2022. The strategy used in this research is the survey
method. Among them, this research chooses quantitative analysis. The study will be conducted on the @humasprovjatim
Instagram account and the survey will be distributed via Google Forms to followers of the @humasprovjatim Instagram
account. The population in this research is the followers of the @humasprovjatim Instagram account. The sample of this
research will be taken from followers' who actively like and comment on 68 posts of the @humasprovjatim Instagram account
that use the tagline "Optimis Jatim Bangkit" during the period August-October 2022. The result of this research is the
average score on the variable Effectiveness of the Tagline Campaign "Optimis Jatim Bangkit" on Instagram Posts
@humasprovjatim (August - October 2023 period) obtained the final weight of the EPIC rate value is 4.10 which if entered
into the rating scale is included in the effective category. It can be said that the Tagline Campaign "Optimis Jatim Bangkit"
on Instagram Posts @Humasprovjatim (Period August - October 2023) is effective in increasing public empathy or trust
through the tagline campaign "Optimis Jatim Bangkit" on the account's Instagram posts, influencing the level of public
interest in interpreting the tagline "Optimis Jatim Bangkit”, Making the tagline "Optimis Jatim Bangkit" from the East Java
Provincial Government more prominent than other regional taglines, and high public understanding and the strength of the
impression conveyed by the tagline campaign "Optimis Jatim Bangkit"


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How to Cite
Octria, V., & Tandyonomanu, D. (2023). EFEKTIVITAS KAMPANYE TAGLINE “OPTIMIS JATIM BANGKIT” PADA POSTINGAN INSTAGRAM @humasprovjatim (PERIODE AGUSTUS-OKTOBER 2022). The Commercium, 6(3), 32-41. Retrieved from https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/Commercium/article/view/52149
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