Empowerment of Communities in Kandangan Region through Natural Resources Management to Realize Developing, Healthy and Clean Villages

  • Yu'thiika Astiawanti Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Muhammad Nurul Fahmi Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Thematic Real Work Lectures, Infrastuktur Sector, Socio-Cultural Sector


Thematic Field Work Lecture (KKN-T) activities are expected to provide learning experiences for students to live in the community directly and together with the community to identify and deal with problems so that they are able to develop village potential. One of Unesa's KKN-T activities is in the Kandangan Village. KKN-T is carried out using the dedication method in the field of physical infrastructure, namely the construction of green houses, hydroponic planting, gazebos, white wall murals, and photo spots for Kampung Maco, as well as in the socio-cultural field, namely Sedekah Bumi activities. The results show a positive response and high community participation in the implementation of the KKN-T program in the Cage area. From the questionnaire conducted, it was obtained a value of 4.22/5 from a minimum score of 4/5 in the field of infrastructure and the presence of 250 residents from 200 invitations distributed in the socio-cultural field. With the implementation of the KKN-T program in Kandangan Village, it is hoped that it can create a developing village and become a new tourist object with an environmentally sound educational concept, able to help the community in improving the community's economy by utilizing natural resources.


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